Saturday, June 20, 2015

6-14-2015 Camp and Lake Bistineau Flooding

I started this post for 6-14-2015 and never did finish it, I thought I had. Well I'm finally done with it and have post dated it so it's still in its sequence. 
My spouse and I own property on Lake Bistineau.  With all the flooding on the Red River it wasn't surprising the waters backwashed into Lake Bistineau's watershed. When that happens the water can't drain over the dam and then it ends up building up in the lake.  This has happened before since we've own the property but it is a very rare occurrence. We went to check out the property and wasn't surprised to see the water at the levels that it was.

This is the dam/ spillway of Lake Bistineau.
  The road over it.
 This is the actual spillway area and you can see the water is higher than the spillway/ dam.  The image was taken heading east on Hwy 154 and is looking south

 This is headed west on Hwy 154 and is looking north.  This is the eastern shore
 Typical view of the lake in this area.  The one thing that is noticeable is the water is up to the branches, usually there is a foot or more difference.

Now for the pictures from the camp area.
We have a small inlet area that usually just has very little water going through it  as you can see its pretty full now. 
 This is looking across our property to the neighbors boat house
 This is looking at the other neighbors boat house you can see the road is covered to get to the dock area.

And this is looking towards our boat house.  You can't see the boathouse very well but you can see the railing and how high the water is on the railing plus you can see we have an observation deck and you can get a feeling of how high the water is based on the stairs to the deck and also the water along the fence line.
 This is just looking out our porch and the area we normally view.
 Another view of it but with the tree in it for reference.

 I just like this one because I did think it was pretty.

 I like this one because you can see the slope of the land in this area.

I couldn't get over how much things had risen since last summer when things were so down the year before. Here's the post I did on 3-28-2015  .  In it you can see what it was like both when its down and at a normal level.
I'm going to include some of the images from November 28 2014 so you can see what the lake looks like when it's way down.
This shows my neighbors boat dock with no water around it. 
 I liked this one because this is normally an inlet with water in it.
 Here the dogs were playing in what is normally lake bed.  Our boat house is in the background.
 another view of the dry inlet
 And here's a good view of our boat house with no water near it.
 This is looking under our dock.  The lake was down at least 10 feet.

It always amazes me when you see mother nature acting this way.


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