Saturday, July 11, 2015

Wildwood Cultural Park -Mentor Ohio

I went to Ohio to visit my mom.   On one of my outings I was able to visit in Mentor -Wildwood Cultural Park. This place has always had a special place in my heart because of the found memories I've had while visiting the place.

    I just love walking in the forests that surround the place.

 Here you can get a glimpse of the main house.
 The Rockhound in me just had to check out this rock.  It doesn't look like an outcrop but is most likely a glacial erratic. It looked like Berea Sandstone to me.

 This is a better view of the manor house front.
 I was able to go inside and check things out.  They had decorated things differently since I was last there.
 I didn't notice this plaque before and was happy to see it. This way it should help keep it as a historical place.
 This was new and was different to see.  You don't see something like this very often and it still worked.  What a nice piece for them to have.  From what I understood this was from the original owners estate.
 This is the view of the back yard.
 Here's looking at the back of the righ side of the  house.
 And this is still the back of the house only the left portion of it.  As you can see its quite a big home.
 Something that was new to me was this Fairy Garden.  I just loved it and had so much fun looking at it.

 I do like the way they've had the community gardens and enjoy looking at it.
 Here's a better picture of it. 
If you are ever in the area its a restful place to visit and stroll through the woods.  I always find it very spiritually  uplifting or meditative  when I walk around the place.

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