Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Muscovy ducks came back this spring (2015)

Last January I was out walking my dogs and was surprised to see that the   Muscovy     ducks had come back to the area. I had written about them before when they tried to get my cats food last March, 2014  ( cat-trying-to-eat-while-Muscovy ducks-lurk.  ).  Shortly after that post the ducks seemed to have left the area.  I couldn't tell if they had been gotten by some dogs or other wild life in the area or if they had flown off to another area.  Now it seemed like they had flown back to this area to breed again.
   Last year my dogs were just puppies and they weren't used to the long walks at that point so they never really saw the ducks, except when they came to the yard last year. This time as they were walking they got all excited to see them.  Needless to say they wanted to chase after them.  I got my cellphone out and got these few images.
 They couldn't get to that duck fast enough and you should have seen them stop dead when that duck decided to fly off. It was the funniest thing.  I could tell they weren't expecting a duck to just up and fly away. 
A couple of days later we saw the ducks again only this time there were more of them.
 This time the dogs seemed to know better than to try and go after them.
 Over the last couple of months we've been seeing these ducks in the neighborhood.  They walk the sidewalks like they're one of the neighbors and just make themselves at home where ever they feel like.

They are a little more skiddish because of the dogs and I wasn't able to get as good images as I have in the past.
They've been fun to have in the area.  It seems like they've left the area again.  I do hope they will comeback next year.

Here's the link to Wikipedia's information on the Muscovy_duck s.

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