Sunday, May 24, 2015

The New Kitty 5-22-2015

The rains have brought a new guess to my front porch.
We have a cat named Shadow that is strictly an outdoor cat.  Shadow is a very friendly cat  and never seemed to eat all of his food.  We did notice he would leave some for a dog that gets walked in the neighborhood named Sugar.  Also he would leave some for the birds.
      A couple of weeks ago, when it was raining a lot I noticed that all the food was being eaten and their wasn't any for Sugar.  At first I didn't pay much attention to it, but after a couple of day's I began to wonder why.  Then one night as I was taking something to the trash I notice this little kitty skedaddling out from the wood pile.  I figured out that must be the reason the food was gone all the time now.  My husband notice the kitty at the same time too and we decided to go ahead and leave some food for it too.  We always made sure that Shadow got feed first and had plenty of food.
   With time the kitty started to look a lot healthier and also better fed.   It quickly learned to meow and get petted first if you want to get some food.  It amazed me how it would watch Shadow and learn what to do.  At first it tried to rub against Shadow like it was its mother but Shadow would have nothing to do with it.  Now they are starting to tolerate each other better.
    Since this kitty seems like its going to be a permanent addition for us I decide it was time to get some images of it to share with others.

   For the longest time I tried to get a good picture of Shadow just sitting looking regal like he does.  I always seemed he had a sixth sense of when I would have the camera and either think it was time to be petted or else disappear.    With this new thing in the are he wanted to make sure he kept an eye on things I finally got the shot I wanted to get.
Shadow has always kept himself well groomed so while he was watching this intruder he also used it to clean himself.
And then he sat there with his tongue sticking out.
Next thing I knew the little one had his tongue out too. 

After that he didn't seem so bad and Shadow let him around.

Now for some other pictures of the kitty.

The kitty is still very skittish and it will run off at the slightest sound that it's not familiar with.  It seems like it is in a constant state ready to take off. 

 This is my favorite of the new Kitty.  I do think it has pretty markings.

We still don't know what to call it.  At first I was calling it Little One and my husband Little Bit but the way its been eating I don't think it wills stay little for very long.  I'm starting to lean towards calling it Noah since it came with the rains and now our area is flooding.

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