Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Weavers Heaven

   My husband and I went on a trip to visit some of his family in Fayetteville Arkansas. Fayetteville-Arkansas. While we were there we got to visit a friend of theirs.  I love to weave and this friend loves to weave too.  It was decided the two of us had to get together.  I'm so glad I was able to make that connection.
  I couldn't get over her place and the looms she had.  She had a room added to her house just to do her weaving in.  When I saw it I was totally captivated by her stuff and it was hard to leave.

Just look at this loom and all the harnesses that it has!!!! (The harnesses are where the thread goes through & what gets lifted up to create the patterns).  Its a programmable one that she had just gotten and was having troubles figuring it out.   All I knew was this was out of my league - I had never done more than four harnesses on a loom.  But oh the things she'll be able to do once she figures it out.  I'm still drooling over this machine. 
 Here's another loom that she had.  It is just as nice as the other one.  I was envious of the threading device she had where she could warp the loom by her self.

 Here's some of the things that she's been able to make.  Aren't they fantastic?
 Now this loom was more my speed but just look at the pattern she was able to create on it.  I loved it.
I do hope I get to visit this person again.  It was so much fun seeing her work.
She was such an inspirations to me.  I know I'll never get to this level but I sure did enjoy seeing her stuff and admire what I saw.

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