Sunday, August 10, 2014

Fun trip to Fayetteville Arkansas

   My husbands mother & father were both from Arkansas.  Both of them are gone but we still have found memories of the stories they told of the areas where they grew up.  She lived in Fort Smith and Van Buren.  Both towns are on the Arkansas river.  Van Buren is smaller and to the north with Fort Smith to the south.  So when we decided to visit some relatives in the Fayetteville area I had to get images of the river as we drove farther up north.
This was looking east from the I-71 bridge.
The Arkansas River as seen from  I-71 taken 7-27-2014
 This was looking to the west. 
I love driving up to this area because of the mountains and the different scenery we get to see. When we drove up it was raining and I was not able to get decent pictures but coming back we did have some decent weather and I did get a few along I-540.
 I was pleased to see that this road has been four-laned.  For the longest time it was a 2 lane road and it would take all day to get up to Fayetteville, now it just takes a few hours.
We ended up staying in Fayetteville Arkansas.  It's definitely a college town with the University of Arkansas being there.  We did take a tour of the area and here are some of the images I got.  I took a lot more but since I was in a moving vehicle most of them just didn't turn out.

Then we drove around the area some and I did get these images too.
 I saw this old building and thought it was so neat looking and had to take some pictures of it.

 We went by the airport and I had to get this image of the plane.  I love looking at planes.

Fayetteville is pretty rural yet because of the University its a fun place to visit.  I like the fact that we have family in the area and it makes for a pleasant get away trip.

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