Thursday, August 14, 2014

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art- Bentonville Arkansas

   I went to visit some of my husbands family up in Arkansas.  While we were there we decided to take a trip and see the Crystal Bridges museum.( wiki/Crystal_Bridges_Museum_of_American_Art )
I had heard a little bit about it before I had gotten there but really didn't know what to expect.  I was thinking it was a nature park with a small museum - boy was I wrong!!  It was a world class Art museum up in Bentonville Arkansas.  It blew me away that a small out-of-the-way town like that could have something like that.  But then you find out it was built by Alice Walton, daughter of Sam Walton who founded Walmart and it all made sense. 
      While we were there we were told we could take pictures of the structure but not to use the flash and also some of the galleries were restrictive as far as taking pictures.  I didn't want to take any chances and so just got a few that I thought would be okay.  These pictures do not do it justice and its worth the effort to go visit it.
This was the entrance to the place. 

 Across from the entrance was this beautiful sculpture that fit right in with the surrounding scenery.
 I wasn't expecting the museum to be down below and got these images as we were walking to the elevators to take us down.
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

 Inside it was so bright and cheery looking.  It was also very modern looking too.

 This was one of the rooms I felt okay taking a picture.  Notice the surrounding nature.  There was a path outside but at the time they were getting ready for a wedding and we were not allowed to go out on it.
This was looking across the building.  The one closest to us on the left was a reception area. The galleries were to the right and the restaurant was in the center building in the back.
Crystal Bridges Art museum.

What really got to me was after I visited it my newspaper had two articles on it in December. One was on Dec. 7, 2014 The Times E1& E5 - Life section and the other Dec 12, 2014 in the Lagniappe C-1 & C-10.

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