Friday, May 2, 2014

Thanks to my 50,000 Pageviewers

I've finally had 50,000 hits on my blog.   And for some reason its made me very happy that I've had that many visitor to it.  I just want to thank people for coming by and visiting. 

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Apr 25, 2014 9:00 AM – May 2, 2014 8:00 AM
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     I started to blog on Oct 5, 2010.  There used to be a geology blog carnival called Accretionary Wedge that I wanted to participate in.  I was told in order to participate I had to have a blog.  At first I didn't think I would like to blog but after I did it a couple of times I really got into it.  It started out as Ann's Musings on Geology and Other Things.  But the title was too long and cumbersome and it was hard to create links for it.  I found by switching to Gallivanting Rockhound  it was easier to work with. The trouble was my definition of Gallivanting and other peoples were not the same and I started to get inundated with sexual things that I had absolutely no interest in.  So once again I changed names.  I tried to go back to Ann's Musings but it wouldn't let me so I had to come up with something else and that was  Rockhounding Around.  I must admit that Rockhounding Around is a better name and suits me more.  When I came up with Ann's Musings I had to come up with something fast and really didn't think much about it and just did the first thing that came to my mind.  With Rockhounding Around that's what this blog is more about - an amateur geologist that likes to travel and take pictures.  I really liked having a place where I could store and write about the pictures I've taken while traveling and how so much of it applies to geology.  When I write something, its so much fun to do some research on it and relearn, or learn for the 1st time, things that have always fascinated me.  I just like being able to share what I've learned with others.
     After awhile I broke the Accretionary Wedge stuff away from this blog so that I could concentrate more on my pictures that I take while traveling.  My other blog is Wondering Rockhound.  That blog is basically inactive since the moderator for the Accretionary Wedge has stopped doing his job and other geologists have stopped offering to be hosts.  I still think its a good idea and hope someday it starts up again and I can be active in it again. When it happens that blog will be activated again.
    Some blogs get popular real fast and those people reach high number quickly.  Unfortunately my blog is not like this and most of the people who visit it do it though a google search.  Because I always have had such few viewers I've haven't done much about having followers or tracking of viewers like some of the other bloggers have done.  But I do appreciate people coming and looking at this stuff.  It does make it feel like its all worth doing, and it is a fun hobby to have. I do enjoy sharing things with other people and it is always an ego booster when I see a image of mine being used in another place.  I'm an artist at heart and taking photo's is one of my creative outlets - when others like it enough to share with others then it gives me a feeling of satisfaction that others enjoyed it enough and thought it worry enough for other to see too.

Again thanks for stopping by and taking a look.
In ending, there is a saying that is attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt that I'm paraphrasing (and may get wrong) but it goes like this:
       'Wise men share ideas, common men share events, and lower class people gossip".
  I have always been one to share ideas and love learning new things.  Feel free to share your ideas too.

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