Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mushroom Fairy Rings

When I was in graduate school I had a boyfriend whose major was botany.  I still had a year to go in graduate school when he graduated with his undergrad degree.  Because his grades were so good they gave him a full scholarship to go to graduate school.  He took them up on it.  He had to come up with a thesis topic and he had always been interested in mushrooms.  He decided to do it on 'Fairy Rings.'  At first I thought he was joking but I now know he wasn't.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mushroom_ring ,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy_ring_mushroom Sometimes when I walk I come across these rings and just have to get pictures of them since they remind me so much of him.

 I got this one because it had a fly on it.

I did this one because it was so typical of those mushrooms.

 The year before I had seen a fairy ring at this place and could see the circle impression of it still.

 A couple of weeks later when it started to rain I noticed the circle had some mushrooms coming up out of it.
 The circle again later in the day after it had stopped raining.

I was out walking again and got some more images to update this post
Heres the same fairy ring a week later

 These were in other yards.  I do notice that they have a tendency to show up after rains.

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