Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Flash of Lightening

The other day I was at my son's first football game of the season.
 It was half time and I noticed the the sun was setting.  Since I had my camera with me I decided to take a photo of the pretty sunset.  To get a good shot that didn't have the press box in it I moved to the top of the bleachers. This is the first image I got and it was looking more to the northwest than due west due to the color play in the clouds.
 I was surprised that there was a flash when I took the next one since the first one didn't flash and I hadn't changed anything.  It ended up being a lot lighter than the other one.  I still thought it was pretty and kept it anyway. I headed back to my spot because the other areas of the sky were not near as pretty and it wasn't worth trying to get an image.

 Then I realize why I saw a flash, there was lightening in the distance to the north. And turned my camera on it and was able to get these images. (I know these aren't the best - but I was using a point and shoot camera and was surprised I could get anything at all since there's such a delay in getting images with this camera.)
 This one I cropped so that you can see it better. 
We only had those couple of bolts and no rain.You could tell it was in the distance and really wasn't headed our way but was heading north.  Yet, I was surprised that the game continued on- I felt it should have been cancelled.  I wished it had since my son's team ended up loosing.  But then again that's the nature of sports one team wins and the other looses.
I muse:  I've never had gotten an image of lightening before.  I'm glad I've finally gotten one.
I muse:  It was nice being up high and being able to see the lightening like that.

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