Friday, October 5, 2012

This Blog is now two years old

Today is my Blog 2nd anniversary. 
It's hard to believe I've been blogging for two years.
    I must admit that my blogging has been sparse lately and that's because my life is interfering with blogging. But it is giving me some ideas for some great posts, I just wish I had more time to work on them.  Some of the things that have kept me occupied -  was helping take care of elderly parents, doing volunteer work, traveling, and finally doing things with my family and friends.  If I ever get the time some of the posts I would like to write about are:  The fossil park in Sylvania- OH, Horeshoe Lake-OH, The glacier erratics of the area I grew up around in OH,  mushroom fairy rings in my LA neighborhood, Eau Claire Dell - WI, Vicksburg MS and how the geology effected the battle, and to help people teaching - how I used to teach how old the earth is by using the bible quotes and proving  how it really can be billions years old (which always shut my creationist students up because they couldn't quote things like I could).  If you would like to see one of these things, please leave a comment and I will make it a priority and try to get it out soon.
   All of these ideas are being put on hold for awhile because like I said I have a lot of volunteering scheduled for the next few weeks.  Next week I get to teach about 1000 students ages 2-5 about pumpkins at the St. Luke's pumpkin patch.  Then the rest of the month I get to sell pumpkins.   And on a day when I'm not selling pumpkins I get to play with one of my favorite hobbies but don't do it very often because of spaces limitations and that is  giving weaving demonstrations at the LSUS - Heritage center - Pioneer Days celebration or going to one of the local schools Colonial Day festival.  Let just say it takes a while to warp a loom and people get bored seeing that and prefer seeing you do actual weaving - so I've been getting my looms ready so they can be ready to give demonstrations with, since I wont be able to work on them while I sell pumpkins. 
    Also during some of this time my son who is a marine will be home on leave for a couple of weeks - I plan on getting as much time in with him as possible since he'll be going overseas for two years.  But I'm a realist about some things and know most of his time will be spent with his friends - he has a lot of people to visit and so little time so visit with them. The only time I'll probably see him is when he comes home to get fresh cloths on or to sleep or to eat free food. To lure him and his friends I'll plan on making some of his favorite meals- now I just have to figure out which ones.

But enough what I have planned for the future and now going back to the past.

With other blogs I notice they give an overview.     
I wanted to see what my top post for the year were but realize all I can do it from the start so here: my stats


Feb 8, 2011, 19 comments


Jul 16, 2011, 1 comment




Mar 22, 2012, 2 comments

Mar 8, 2011, 4 comments

Feb 6, 2012


I started to blog so that I could participate in the Accretionary Wedge and its nice to see Accretionary Wedge items are some of my top posts.  If nothing else the monthly topics do keep this blog active and I hope the AW continues to succeed.  I am glad to see that hosts have been lined up into next year and that people are participating in it like it was intended to be.  Here's the link to the AW and who's hosting next. So for the next couple of months there will be things at least once a month at this blog.

At one point I was thinking about posting some of my favorite picture or the pictures that get hit on the most, but its not going to happen now.  If you want them let me know or better yet let me know which ones you like and I may edit this post later and include them in.

As  you can see I don't get very many visitors and when I do I do notice it.  I just want to thank the few people that do seem to visit my blog. I do appreciate it & wish I could do something special to show how much I do care about you.  If you ever have any suggestions I'm open to them. In the mean time all I can do is just thank you and hope you'll come back to visit again.

I Muse:  I wonder why I had so many (3089) views of the Accretionary Wedge call to post for #32 yet only had 229 actually view the final product? 

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