Sunday, March 29, 2015

Lake Bistineau - Nov 28, 2014

I finally got around to downloading my pictures from my cell.  Trouble was when I did it my computer/cellphone acted up and downloaded everything 5 times.  I had over 10,000 picture downloaded.  It was too much work to pick them out and so I deleted everything that I would normally use in this blog since it ate up all my computer space.  I've finally got that problem fixed and was able to download them again.

These were taken last fall of Lake Bistineau when there was a draw down and then a drought on top of it.  I had never seen the lake so low.  We've had the camp since 1994 and so had 20 years of observations of it.

Here's some of the images I wanted to share.
This one just simply because I thought they were so pretty yet I wasn't sure what they were.
 Here you can see how the roots grow for the cypress trees.
 This cypress tree since it was so magnificent looking.  This is looking south/ southeast.
 Here's a similar image of the same tree taken on 3-28-2015. And this was normal water levels.
**Added 6-14-2015 The lake is flooding. This was the closest I could get of the southern neighbors boathouse.
And another one, the duckwed is really bad.  It floats on top of the water and in these pictures looks like grass.

 I've never been able to walk under our boat dock.  I just thought this would make an interesting picture.
 I liked this image because it showed so well where the water level is normally - the greenish ban on the cypress trees and how low the lake now was.
Cypress trees showing where the normal water level is and how dry the conditions were.
 The boat house is totally dry in this one. 

 And here's actually being under the boat dock.
 We went back in and here's what it normally looks like.

Again here''s how the lake normally looks around the boat dock.

This inlet is normally full of water but today it was bone dry.
 Here's how the inlet normally looks.

I just thought this was such a pretty picture it needed to be included too.
Lake Bistineau during drought time  Nov 28 2014
I do have some pictures of when the camp was flooded and will add them one of these days.
  I will also add that with all the rain we've been getting lately my husband and I were worrying about the camp flooding but was relieved when the other day my husband was able to check it out and see that it hadn't hit flood stage yet.  I think it just goes to show how severe some of these droughts can be.

6-14-2015 NB:  I didn't  have to go looking for flood pictures.  Lake Bistineau is full again and the lake is flooding, ie it is higher than the dam at the south end of the lake and the waters have no were to go but up.
Here's a couple of images of it. Thats the dock to the boathouse and you can't even get near it.

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