Wednesday, March 25, 2015

2015 Was not a good year for the Tulip Tree in my yard

Every year I like taking pictures of my Tulip tree when it is in bloom because it can be so spectacular.  Unfortunately this was not a good year for the tulip tree.
   On February the 18th I notice there were some blooms in the tree.  My heart sank, because I knew freezing cold weather was being predicted.  I wanted to tell that tree - don't bloom now its too early.  Here are the images from that day.
 In this one you could actually see the pink blossoms.
 It was so pretty against the blue sky. 
 Well on Feb 25, the snow did come as predicted and here it is falling onto the tree. Since it didn't stick I was hopping it wouldn't do too much damage. 
After that snow nothing much happened with the tree.  It went dormant.  On March 17th I was noticing it had finally gone ahead and bloomed.
Here are the pictures from that day.
It did not get near as spectacular as it had in the past. 
 Spots were still pretty but the petals were not as wide as they normally were, and there was a brownish tinge to them.

Notice the brown spots on this one. 
 I almost didn't take the above pictures but was glad I had because 2 days later on the 19th this is what my yard looked like.
 And here's how the tree looked like. 
Here's the link for a post done in 2012.
Here's a picture from that year taken on 2-21 2012. 

It was interesting to note the date this picture was taken.  So the tree starting to bloom when it did was on schedule.  We normally don't have a deep freeze like that during this time of year. 
Now I just have to wait for another year.

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