Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Buckhorn Museum part 2, San Antonio TX

The Buckhorn Museum is really 3 museum in 1.  The first blog post really dealt with the wildlife that they had there.  Since it was so long, I felt it was best to stop and continue at another time which is now.

Here's the information that is available about it: the Buckhorn Saloon (located @ 318 E. Houston Street, (210-247-4000) - http://www.buckhornmuseum.com/  ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckhorn_Saloon_%26_Museum_%28San_Antonio%29
With the first segment I decided to go with the other image for the entrance to the place, but I also wanted to use this one so here it is. 
 It didn't always have that entrance and they made the original entrance as part of the museum.  I thought that was a clever way to preserve the past. 
 They had a couple of pieces of art work that were made from the rattles of rattlesnakes.  This was one of them

The American Sideshow Museum section:
As you go to exit the ocean section you come upon this section that said American Sideshow.  So that is what I'm calling this section of the museum because it definitely had a sideshow feel to it.
It had freaks of nature like this two headed lamb.
Two headed lamb at the Buckhorn Saloon Museum, San Antonio TX
 or this albino rabbit
 and albino fox
 and Buck
 Then they had these things.  I had seen stuff like this before when I was a kid and was totally freaked out by them. 

 This structure was made totally out of toothpicks.  Now that is a person with a lot of time on his hands and a lot of patients.
 They had this optical illusion where the water looked like it was going up hill and draining down. 

 I really liked this.  It was a 3-d projection of a fairy that was moving up and down in the glass cage. I watched it for quite a while from different angles.  I know the pictures are not the best but they do give you a sense of how the fairy was moving around in the glass bottle.

Texas Ranger Museum
The 3rd museum there was a tribute to the Texas Rangers. It was located on the first floor behind the Texas wildlife exhibit.   This is not the official Texas Ranger Museum that is in Waco Texas.  I've been there and its definitely worth seeing. 
One of the first things that caught our eyes was a mural of Enchanted Rock.

  We had been there before  http://rockhoundingaround.blogspot.com/2013/08/enchanted-rock-fredericksburg-texas.html

 We could not imagine a battle taking place on this rock.
Here's my image of it:

They had other interesting thing there too like this arrow head
 And how the badges evolved
 They also had bronze statues.
 And the gun's they used.

 Here's a display of the different badges worn by the different areas.
 My husband liked this sawed off shotgun
 And I got a hoot out of this cup.  It says "You Asked For 'Half A Cup Of Coffee'"
 They had other things too like this old time wagon.
 This was the car that Bonnie and Clyde were killed in. It used to be in Louisiana and how it ended up here I don't know.
 There was a wall with information about them  and how the rangers were involved with searching for them.
 Here's another rattlesnake sign.
 They even had a section made to look like the old time town when the bar was built.
All in all it was a fun place to visit and I could see going there again since there was so much to take in and absorb.  One visit just isn't enough and it is definitely worth seeing.

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