Sunday, July 7, 2013

Snake on my outside brick wall

      Yesterday we woke up thinking it would be our typical, quiet, lazy Saturday morning routine.  All we had planned for the day was to get my son packed to go to camp.  We been getting everything he needs for awhile and so all we had left to do is just pack it.  So we took our time getting up and was in no hurry to do anything.  I started to brew the coffee and my husband went outside to the back yard to check on the pool filters.  This time of year they have to be emptied a lot do to all the crepe myrtle and pine debris.
    Next thing I knew he was frantically tapping on the window.  He pointed to the side door and I notice what looked like a hose on the side of the house.   I was confused how it got there but then I looked again and realized it was a snake.  Boy did that get our adrenaline running.  Because the more we looked at it we realized its head was pointed like an arrow which means its poisonous.  While my husband was getting tools to kill it he had me watch it to see where it would go if it moved.
My camera was sitting on the desk nearby and I couldn't help but get some pictures while I waited on my husband.
Here they are:
 This was as we first saw it.
Agkistrodon snake on my outside wall
 A cropped version of that.  What really got to me was the way it was clinging to the wall and the way the head was pointed downward.  Made us wonder where it came from.  Since it was so close to our hose it was easy to think at first it was a piece of hose. 
copperhead (Agkistrodon  ) snake on wall
 I watched it and it was fascinating to see it had something in its stomach that it was trying to digest.  I could see the constrictions of its muscles trying to get it closer towards its tail end.
   Then it moved. Which made me nervous.  We didn't want it to get away and be hiding in our yard.  We do live on a bayou and am use to getting critters from it. 
Copperhead snake on our back wall.
 While my husband was getting ready to cut its head off I went around to the side door and got this image of it.  I also cropped it. 
 Eventually he was able to chop it in two.  It took a long while for it to die.  I'm just grateful he wasn't hurt by it. 

Afterwards we decided it was probably a copperhead snake, for more on copperhead snakes see what Wikipedia has to say about it:  here: Agkistrodon_contortrix.  Or it may have been a Water_moccasin, either case it is definitely a Agkistrodon, but we think it looked more like the copperhead. What do you think it is?

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