Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy July 4th - here's some photo's of fireworks

I've been out of town and just recently got back.  I've gotten a lot of great pictures but have to get them organized first.  While I was gone I got to see a great fireworks display- one of the best I've ever seen.  So in keeping with the spirit of the 4th of July I'm going to post a few images of them.  There will be more in a later post.
Here's some now to wet your curiosity and for you to come back for more.

Here's the barges on Lake Lucerne, Switzerland where the fireworks were shot from.
We were in a group and one of the couples had this balcony view so we all went there to watch them. 
Lake Lucerne, Switzerland (6-29-2013)

At first the display was on the water near the barges.  That got our attention. The show started right at 10:30 as we had been told.
 Then they sent off them one at a time.  (These were all taken with my cell phone- my regular camera just wasn't fast enough to catch them.  I know some of these images are blurry but I liked them that way- it looked like something you might see from outer-space.)
 Then they had a little break and you could hear the bands playing in the distance.  Next thing we knew they set of a couple of sets of three's.  They were so spectacular and we couldn't tell if that was the finally or not.
Fireworks over Lake Lucerne, Switzerland
 There was a couple of minutes break and then they started to set of some more.  The first ones were predominately white and were beautiful, but the colors ones were even more spectacular.  I was amazed I was able to get any at all since
If you are curious as to what is used to make the different colors in them - see this link at Rosetta stones

fireworks over Lake Lucerne Switzerland (6-29-2013)
 They took another break for a couple of minutes to let the smoke drift away.
then they started to set stuff off on the lake again only this time the stuff went higher than before.
And at about 11:00 it finished up with the grand finale which truly was a grand one.
the grand finale fireworks over Lake Lucerne  (6-29-2013)

I got a lot more than these and will be coming back to them again.  In the mean time I hope you have a safe 4th of July.

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