Thursday, May 30, 2013

Peaches are ready.

I was driving around yesterday and was surprised to see Peaches are for sale already in this area.  In this area Ruston is famous for their peaches- they are so sweet and juicy and can't be beat in taste.

Earlier in the year I took some pictures of the peach tree in my neighborhood that always has the prettiest, delicate blossoms on it.  I was going to post them but never got around to doing it.  Well when I saw that sign for peaches for sale I thought I better get by it to see how they are doing.  I couldn't believe one had already fallen to the ground and was ready to be eaten by the squirrels.
Peach blossoms
I just thought they were so pretty against that blue blue sky.
Peach blossoms

closeup of peach blossoms

I was happy to see the bees were already out and were doing their thing.
bee and peach blossom

 a bee doing its thing in a peach blossom
Since the bees were so busy I figured for sure there would be peaches later.  I started to watch the tree but then we had a couple of below freezing days and I thought the peaches would be ruined for this year.  The weather did stunt them but they still kept on growing.
 Most of the peaches are still pretty small but they are getting some color to them..
Peaches almost ready to be picked (5-29-2013)

 This one looked like it war ready to be picked and there was one already on the ground.
  Here's some more that are still growing. 
 I took this picture but the flash went off and I didn't think it would turn out. 
 I started to adjust the camera and accidentally got onto cartoon mode.  I liked the effect and decided to keep it.

 Last year I liked watching the peaches too. Here's the link with everything's peachy done on June 13, 2013 .  It looks like they were ready about the same time and they were the blossoms were blooming around the same time too.  

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