Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Crepe Myrtles are starting to bloom

I always like to take note of when my crepe myrtles start to bloom.   Two days ago I noticed one starting to bloom on my trees in my back yard. So today I thought I'd go get a picture of them.
here they are.

crepe myrtle blooming (5-30-2013)
 Here's what they look liked with it not zoomed in on them.

One of the things I'm always trying to remember is what these crepe myrtles  are called.  The other day I came across the label that was on the trees when they were planted.
I'm going to include them so I have it for myself.

What really got to me is these shrubs/trees were only suppose to get to be 10 feet tall.  My are a whole lot taller than that.  They were planted next to a 6 foot fence and you can't even see the fence they are so tall.  It doesn't matter much to me because it just gives me more to see and enjoy. I do love the color of them and how they look when they are in full bloom.

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