Thursday, May 23, 2013

Changes have come to this blog

    I've been thinking about changing things for awhile.    I've never been really happy with this blog title - 'Ann's Musings on Geology and other things'.   When I decided to finally go ahead and take the plunge to blog I had to come up with something and this was it.  I picked the title because at the time I wanted to participate in the Accrectionary Wedge-- A blog  dedicated to a monthly geology topic with people contributing their posts through their blogs - a carnival of blogs.  I also wanted to meet other geologist who were on the internet.  At first I thought having the title 'Ann's Musings' would do it because I also wanted to be able to write about other things too and not have it all geology related stuff.  I had seen some other blogs like that  - Outside the Interzone and En Tequilla Es Verda. Unfortunately 'Ann's Musings' was taken along with 'Ann's musings on Geology'. So I tried 'Musings on geology' but that too was taken. The only thing that didn't seem to be taken was 'Ann's Musings on Geology and other things' so that's what I ended up with.  But it never satisfied me and I didn't really like the name because it was so long and awkward .

    I was hesitant to change the name, but I have so few followers I doubted anyone would notice except for one friend.  I do appreciate the followers I do have and want to thank you for following.  
Another reason I'm contemplating doing it now is because blogger has changed so much around lately. Connections are being changed and people may not be able to access it like they used to. I figured I'm loosing people with these changes anyway so it really does not matter much anyway.  So now would be a good time to really change things around when everything else is being changed associated with anyway.

      I've been wanting to change the name but never could come up with anything I was really happy with until recently.   Part of the reason I didn't like Ann's Musings on Geology and Other Things was because it was so long and cumbersome.   I wanted something short and sweet and to the point yet at the same time cover things I want to blog about.  I have a couple of ideas and now I'm going to try and see if blogger will let me change it the name.
    I came up with the name Gallivanting  around with a rx-hound.  I liked the sound of that but when i looked up the definition of gallivanting  - it said "to travel or roam around for pleasure' Websters New Collegiate Dictionary.  And in The New Oxford American Dictionary it said "go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment.'  Since it had go around in the name I thought that was redundant.  I thought about Gallivanting with a rx-hound.  but that was still long so why not shorten it to Gallivanting Rxhound. 
    I went with the rx since that was the abbreviation used by  geologist for the word rock.  But then I started to think people not familiar with rx might not understand it means rock and might think it stands for something else.  In the Oxford dictionary rockhound is a geologist or amateur collector of mineral specimens. In Websters 'its a specialist in geology' and in Wikipedia its an "amateur geologist'.  I now consider myself an amateur geologist since I've been out of geology so long even though I did get a degree in it.  A lot has changed since I got out - like actually putting the theory of plate tectonics into the textbooks.
Blogger didn't let me have some of the other names I thought of but it did let me have this one. So now  this blog will officially be:. Gallivanting Rockhound which I think captures the essence of this blog: to go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entrainment with a amateur geologist. 



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