Saturday, May 18, 2013

1st Magnolia's of the season (2013)

Every year I look forward to the Magnolia trees blooming in my neighborhood.
This year was no different than any other year however this year it seemed like they were blooming later than they have been over the past couple of years. But I could be wrong about that because these may not be the first blooms of the year in this area -- but they are to me.  I must admit that I've been out of town a lot lately going up to Ohio and Mississippi.  Since I've been gone I've been walking in other areas and don't use those sightings for considering 1st blooms but only use the area I normally walk in.  But in all fairness I was getting enough walks in my area in late April and early May to have been able to have notice them if they were blooming since I was looking for them as I walked and didn't recall seeing any.  I like to carry a smart phone with me so that when I walk I can take a picture if I see it.  That's what I did today with these images - I took them with my smart phone.

  To keep track of their blooming I like to take pictures on the 1st day I notice a blossom in full bloom. (here's last years 1st Magnolia of 2012  -4/11/2012  )  I notice a bloom a couple of days ago when I was in my car and made a mental note to make sure I get a picture that day or the next - the trouble was we were also having horrible weather and a tornado came through on Thursday - the day I wanted to get the pictures.  Once I got home for safety reasons I kept inside that day.  Then on Friday I did volunteer work and by the time I got done with it we were having drizzly weather and I didn't get out again.  Today I was so pleased to be able to wake up to blue sky's and perfect walking weather.  (Well maybe not perfect because the humidity was high - but a lot better than what it had been.)

So here's my pictures of the first Magnolia trees blooms for this season of 2013, May 18th..

Magnolia bloom (2013)

There is one thing I want to add about these flowers blooming later than before.  I've also notice that in this area its been wetter than it has been over the past couple of years.  I can tell that's also has made a big difference in how the trees are looking now.  Last year the leaves looked stunted and withered - not healthy with a lot of brown ones too.  This year the trees that made it seem to be doing so much better and are more  deeper vibrant green and have a more luxurious fullness to them.  I muse if the trees were putting all their energy into growing and thus the delay in the blooms? Any Ideas on this would be appreciated.

Now I muse when they will bloom next year?   

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