Monday, April 20, 2015

Cruising the Western Caribbean - Day 4- Roatan, Honduras

April 8, 2015 saw us back on land again in Roatan Honduras.  My family is not one to sit ideal when there are places to see and things to do.  So in Roatan we decided to go on the tour of the Gumbalimba Preservation Park.    Since it was an all day excursion and since I took so many picture I'm going to break it into a couple of different posts.
This post will just be about the things we saw getting there and some of the beautiful plants that are in the Park.

This was the view from our cabin balcony.
 The shops that were there.
 Just look at how pretty the bay was.
 This was looking at the ship as we were driving to the park.
 I liked this view of the ship too.
 An unusual looking light house.  I was having trouble with glare from the windows and didn't get the best shot of it.  Since most of the pictures weren't turning out I stopped trying to get any.

This was a picture of our guide.  She had us meet at this tree.  It was an interesting tree to look at while we were gathering up after our restroom break.
 Higher up the tree two of the branches had merged together.  I hadn't see anything like that before and thought it deserved a picture. 

The flowers were so beautiful. I just wished I could have read Spanish so I would know what they were.

 Also the vegetation was so lush and verde.

 They had a lot of parrots around and some of them were kept in a cage.  I was able to get this picture by shooting through a hole in the cage.

 After we had seen the other things in the park we went to Monkey Town island.  To get there you had to cross over this rope bridge.  It was pretty rickety and I wasn't brave enough to try to get a picture from it.  Afterwards I got this and thought it was so pretty.
The bridge to monkey town at the Gumbalimba Preservation Park, Roatan Honduras
 Going back we did stop and saw this diorama of the island.  It was nice to see and everyone didn't want to leave because it was so cool.

Wikipedia on Honduras
And about the island Bay_Islands_Department

Again we had a beautiful sunset.

Tomorrow I'm going to show the iguana's in the place.

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