Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Herons nesting in a tree 3-30-2015

I like to go walking with my dogs.  There's a tree we pass under on our walk.  For the past couple of years we've noticed some bird poop around this time under the tree.  It can be quite voluminous at times.  I've see the birds that are the cause of it but never really could get a good shot of them.  I tried again.  Not the best pictures but at least I got something more than just a head sticking out of the nest which is what I normally see.
   As you can see the nest is quite up there in the tree.  At least they make new nest every year but it usually is in the same tree and near the same area.  This time it was more noticeable than before.. 
 I cropped it so you can see it better.  There is one bird in the nest and one to the left of it.
 I walked around to the other side and took this one.  The sun was glaring and made it more shaddowy.

 Here it is cropped again.

I went walking again and tried getting another picture. Again it is cropped.  This time you can see both birds sitting on the nest.

As I was trying to take these a neighbor came by and told me they were a certain type of heron but I couldn't remember what he said - it was something about golden but I couldn't get it exactly.
Here's the Wikipedia link to herons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heron

I've been gone on Spring Break.  But right before I left I went walking again and as I was walking I was able to get these images.
   This is a cropped image I like this one the best.

 This is what always alerts me to their presence.  What got me was with all the rain we have it doesn't stay long.  One good storm and its gone. 

I'm glad I did take them because when I got back the birds were gone and even there poop marking was gone.  That didn't surprise me because we've had some very heavy rains lately.
  In the past I noticed they didn't stay very long but I didn't know how long they would stay.  

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