Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dawg times- helping change the sheets

I know its been awhile since I've posted.  It amazes me how much there is to do and so little time to do all that I want to do.  Now that the Holidays are over and also Mardi Gras I'm hoping I  can get some done.
One of the ones I wanted to do was this one with the puppies only they are not puppies anymore.  They are a year old but to me they are still just as cute as when they were puppies.

Every Tuesday I try to do the laundry in my house.  Part of that is changing out the sheets on our beds.  The dogs love to come help me with this.  They think its great fun to help pull the covers off and to play underneath them.   On this day one of them didn't get underneath them he accidentally got into a pillow case. I ended up laughing my head off and couldn't believe I had my camera near by so I could get some pictures of it.
At first Patton was like is that you in their?
 Then Patton decided it would be fun to attack Ike since he was trapped like that.
I tried to get away and had a hard time moving around.

 Finally he just sat down and began to whimper for help.
My dog helping with the laundry

I sure do enjoy their help.

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