Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The "Le Tour Des Jardins - 2014 Shreveport / Bossier area, Lousisiana

I just love looking at pretty gardens.  In our area we have a active Master Gardeners group and they put on tours that are open to the public.  The money they generate from these tours go towards some very worthwhile causes and its a good thing to help support the community.
   At one time I used to love to garden and had even thought about becoming a master gardener but then I had an reaction to fire ants that has made it almost impossible for me to garden again.  So now I just have to go to other places and look at what others have done.  I love it when the Master Gardeners have their tour because I know these gardens are going to be a cut above the gardens you may see at other places.
    I also love finding out about flowers and plants and many of them have labels with them so you can find out what they are.

So here's the pictures I took of this years tour.
My husband and I did not go in the order of the tour guide.  He really wanted to see this one and so we went to it second.   This was stop number 3 on the guide.
     It now belongs to a man that had graduated from the same college I did. Needless to say he's been a little bit more successful than I have.  He even has a building named after him--- hmmm I guess that's not going to happen to me.  Its nice to see a fellow alumni doing so well.
     You had to park in the horse pasture and then walk up to the house.  
At least the walk was pretty and the landscaping was professionally designed.  Makes me wonder how my yard would look if I could have it professionally designed too.
The one thing I did notice is they did have some Wilcox boulders (or i think they are) on the property too.  I had  looked at the ones on the river front not too long ago and these were very similar in appearance to them.***
The fountain was so pretty to see and hear.
Most of the garden design was around the pool area  to the side and back of the house.   This is what you first see as you come around to the back of the house.

I thought this was the end of the pool area when I saw this outdoor building.
The flowers were pretty and the roses were in full bloom.
I kept on walking to see the other flowers and realized that the pool area was wrapping around and was a whole lot bigger than that first section that you saw when you came in.
I thought this section was very lovely and it really gave you a secluded tropical island escape feeling.
This was near the main house.  When I first went by it - it was filled with people and you could tell this is a main area where they do a lot of entertaining in.
They had us exit on the other side of the pond which was nice because you really got a feel for how big and pretty the yard was.
I enjoyed seeing these irises near the water.
Another look at the front of the house with the fountain.
Then we went to another home on the tour. I think this was stop 4.  I liked the way the different flowers were labeled at this location.  I never was sure what these were called and was pleased to find out they are violas
I couldn't see the label on these pretty pink flowers but  still wanted to get the picture anyway.
I also like this one but didn't get its name either.
These were amaryllises.
I thought it was fun to see this rabbit poking its head out of the flowers.
This was stop 5 on the tour.  I liked this and took this image because we have a pool in the back yard too and going to things like this gives me inspiration to spruce up our yard.
I liked the way they were able to make the place not noticeable from the street.
That's it for this section.
I did take so many pictures I've decided it was best to break it into two posts since the one had a lot of geology to it too.

*** I came across this diagram when I was looking for information on the Wilcox formation and the location is where the Wilcox should be outcropping.  I can't tell if I can copy & share this information or not so I'm going to give the link for it. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/10179warwick/images/fig10.htm  .

more on Wilcox later

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