Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Things I need for a happy life.

I started to think the other day about life and what made me happy.  When I was younger I thought of a few things that I needed to make me happy.  As time when on I've added a few more.  But basically I'm a easy to please person and try not to want a whole lot.  I like the simple things in life

The things I used to think I need are:

- having a family and a few friends that respected and cared  for me.

- having a pet.

-  having access to a wide variety and stimulating reading material.

-  being exposed to interesting geology.

Then after I finished college I added. 

- having the means to provide for my creative outlets.

- having to experience different foods.

And then years and years later I realize that none of this was possible without having God in my life and I owed everything to God.
-------The funny thing I never really knew what I wanted but it was more I knew what I didn't want.  I had a boyfriend that I was madly in love with, but I could always tell there was something missing from our relationship which made me very uneasy with him.  It wasn't until after we broke up that I realized what I didn't like and that was I felt like he never really respected me.  Other guys I went out with would always treat me with respect but he never really did.  It was the little things that really got to me like asking me to get an ice-cream cone and then expecting me to pay for them.  Or asking me out on a date and then not taking me where I said would be nice to go to - It always had to be what he wanted to do. 

-The other thing about the guy was he was allergic to pets.  I lived in a house that had a cat.  The cat adopted me - not me it. He didn't like the cat and wanted me to get rid of it but it wasn't mine to be gotten rid of and felt I could do nothing about it.  I felt if he was having so much problem with the cat then maybe we should be spending our time together at his place not mine.   The one thing he did make me realize was how important being able to have a pet was to me. 

-I love learning and I did most of my discovering through books.  When I knew this buy we were in college together.- Neither one of us owned a TV, radio or stereo yet we could be happy together for hours  just reading things and commenting upon interesting things.  My mom was a librarian and I guess at an early age I learned how to entertain myself by reading a good book.  It meant a lot to be with a person who enjoyed reading as much as I did.

-My major in college was geology.  I just loved studying and learning about all the different processes that happening in the earth.  The one thing I did learn was the present is the key to the past and the best way to really understand and figure out what was happening was to go out and observe.  This also went along with my love of traveling.  I don't know if I love to travel to see the different geologic processes or if it was because I wanted to observe everything in nature that I like to get there to see it.  All I know the two went hand in hand with each other. 

-Later I added having the means for my creative outlets.  When I was in college I loved to take photographs of different things.  The trouble was it cost money to by and develop film so I was limited in what I could do.  Now a days with the cameras being digital I can take as many photos as I want and just delete the bad ones. 
      The other thing I learned to entertain myself with very little expense.  I got involved with doing arts and crafts.  I found a ball of string could keep me busy for hours and hours.  I could tatt it, or knitt it, or crochet it, or weave it, or macreme it - whatever my heart desired I could make what I wanted to - it just depended on what I wanted to make.  I was usually a very practical person and so what I made usually served some purpose.     

-Thanks to that same boyfriend from above I discovered how much having a variety of different foods mattered to me.  After we were serious with each other, and started to share our food together, he decided to become a vegetarian.  And he was an obnoxious vegetarian - by that I mean he'd rub it in your face if you ate meat with all the nasty comments he would make.  His way of eating was the only healthy way to eat and I would die at a very young age do to my poor choices in food.  Well I'm still around and I found his life style no healthier than mine.  The one thing he did do was make me realize I could not spend my life with a vegetarian.  I liked meat too much. 

-The last thing I've never admitted much to was having God or a higher spiritual being being in my life. But I realize now how important it has been to me to believe in God like I have for all my years.  I know that being a geologist I was around a lot of atheists and it was easy to fall under their reasoning but to me something was always missing.  The above boyfriend didn't help matters much.  He was into an occult type of group and I could never comfortably accept some of the things he believed in. It was easier to put God off at a distance or not accept him at all.  But once I admitted to myself I cant get away from God and asked him into my life again  - I've felt a peace and completeness that I just can't describe, but lets me know in my heart that it is the right thing to believe and accept.

My goal in life has always been to make or have enough money so I could do the things that make me happy.  I always knew I didn't have to be wealthy to do most of these things. Once I figure some of this out then it was only a matter of time to find the right person who could be happy with the things that make me happy. 
Thirty years ago to the day I met this man.  Now I have to admit that I also need my husband to make me happy.  Its hard for me to believe we've been together so long.  I never thought I could be with someone like that, but I have seen people with long marriages and knew it could be done.  I'm just grateful I have the husband that I do and he is still such an integral part of making my life happy.

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