Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year's eve bonfire

We went to a bonfire to bring in the new year. The neighbors collect the old Christmas trees and burn them.  I was surprised that they were able to get as many as they did.  They sure were pretty to watch burn.
When a new tree was added it would go up in a fireball. 
 Then it would just shoot sparks off all over the place.
 This was my favorite one.  It looked like the ghost of Christmas pass was exscaping.
Christmas tree bonfire
Most of the time the fire was pretty tame.

 They added this one tree and we were surpised to see blue flames come from it.  It must have been sprayed with a flame retardant. It didn't do much to keep it from burning but it sure did make the fire look pretty after that.
 When the flames would get low like this then they would add another tree.

This one was interesting too.
 The kids seem to like it, and it was nice to have something like this on that cold night.

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