Thursday, November 14, 2013

To my Few Faithful Followers

With the post on  November 1, 2013,  I said I would be changing the name of this blog.  Tomorrow I will be officially Rockhounding Around but  searches don't always find it so I've also started a new blog Wandering Rockhound (searches don't find this one either - they just find a book by that title. Also when I type it in it auto-corrects to  Wondering Rockhound so I guess I have to go with that instead.) to see if its easier for people to search that way.  Some of the stuff may be the same on both blogs since I am experimenting around with this stuff.    I will also be changing my profile picture, info and name to Rockdawg.    Here is the image I will be using to know you got me and my stuff. It's what I will be using for comments and such.
Thank you for following me.  Knowing I've had you has helped me to keep on posting things on this blog.

Nov 09, 2013
I have since removed that post where I told people the reason I would be changing names.
      I used to be 'Ann's Musings on Geology and Other Things'.  That name was so long that when I copied it sometimes it would take up all the space and made it hard to do things like tweet on twitter and such.  When I first started to blog I had to come up with something right away and that's what I thought of.  I never did like it but was lazy about changing it because I didn't want to loose followers.  But after I had all my computer problems- I lost a lot of people anyway and really didn't have a lot of people seeing my stuff and so decided to go ahead an change it once they were fixed.
    I then changed it to 'Gallivanting Rockhound' a name that I felt reflected the nature of this blog better.  My definition of Gallivanting and others definition obviously didn't agree.  People thought there was a sexual overtone to this blog and I started to get inundated with email requests for things I was not interest in.  I've been happily married for many years to a wonderful guy who meets all of my needs and I have no desire to be with anyone else.  I tried to contact google about blocking one of the sources  where I thought these pornographic requests were coming from.  They were of no help so the only option I could come up with was to change the name again.  I finally did it when something else happened and motivated me to want to start all over.  I wasn't too worried about loosing people since I had so few followers and most of the people who come to this blog is through a computer search.
   I am grateful to the few people that follow me and always want you to know you are welcome anytime. And if you are a new follower I love having you come visit and hope you do enjoy it.  If you have any ideas on how to improve things let me know in the comments.

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