Thursday, November 7, 2013

The River Walk - San Antonio TX

The first impressions I ever had of San Antonio is the Riverwalk.( )
 The River Walk San Antonio, TX

 My company sent me to a seminar located in one of the hotels which was on the Riverwalk. If I remember correctly I was staying at the Marriott.   I just remember being able to look out my window and see it.  Then that night  after the seminar I was able to walk along it to a restaurant and eat something there.  The whole time I was feeling safe and secure while doing it.  I was back in my room by sunset but was still able to watch it as nighttime fell.  It was all the entertainment I needed.  It was so fascinating to see.
    Then the next time I saw it, I was with my young family.  My husband had to take a course there and I had the kids with me.  I just remember visiting the Alamo and then staying in the Riverwalk area since that was close to our hotel and it was in walking distance. I was scarred to drive around with small kids in the car an area where I had never driven before and didn't know.  I was content just to stay in the hotel but this gave us something to do and still feel safe while doing it - I remember the fist time and the feeling I had.  With the kids I took the riverboat tour and they just loved it.  Then we went shopping and never got out of that area. There was more than enough for us to do. 
   This time it was different because it was just my husband and I.  We were not staying in the area but just strolling along it seeing all the different sights it had to over.
Needless to say it is along the San Antonio River.

This is looking down on it from one of the streets that pass overhead. 
 The River Walk San Antonio, TX
 They have these stair or others to get to it.
 Or you can take the elevators if you know where they are.
Once you are down there, they have plenty of signs like this one to help you figure out where you are.
 The River Walk San Antonio, TX

It is basically a loop that goes around so its really easy to walk along it.

It was just a peaceful way to spend the afternoon strolling along it and seeing all the different things along the way. It was so peaceful pretty to see.
 The River Walk San Antonio, TX
 I was curious as to what the rock type was that it was going through and got an idea when I saw these limestone rocks just sitting there.  They  looked like they were in suite but I could have been wrong on that.
 One of the things I really liked was the way they would have water feature flowing into the San Antonio River like this one.
Water feature on the River Walk, San Antonio TX
 They did have these bridges so that it was easy to cross over to the other bank. 
The River Walk, San Antonio TX
 There was also these ferry boats that usually were with tour groups.
 There were all sorts of restaurants and interesting places to see. 
 One of the things I couldn't help to notice were the bald cypress trees.  These were so big I could not believe they had only been there a relatively short while for trees.  They were too big and I figure they must have been there when the river was there first and the buildings have been built around them..
Then I came across this bench and felt my suspicions were correct.
 I was surprise to see this on one of the trees.  My cellphone was just about dead from taking pictures and so I was not able to scan it to find out what they had to say about Bald Cypress but I was impressed that they did have this sign like that there.
 This is the tree that  it was talking about.  It's a pretty impressive tree in its own right and I could see why people would be interested in it.
Bald Cypress tree along the San Antonio River Walk
 One of the reason's the River Walk was made was to control the flow of the flow of the San Antonio River.  They had these flood walls to control it. 
Flood wall on the San Antonio River Walk
 This plaque was on the wall.
 A closer look where you can actually see the flood gate. To me it was a pretty impressive piece of engineering. I wondered how often its had to be used.
 They had some interesting pathways under some of the bridges like this one. 
 Another pretty water feature along the way.
 I think this was my favorite image of the Tower life Building.
Tower Life Building, San Antonio TX
 What I did not realize it was shaped the way it was.  I thought it was a box shape like so many building are built. 
Tower Life Building as seen from the River Walk, San Antonio TX
 There were all sorts of buildings that come right up to the edge of the River.  It was interesting to see how they would get to it like this one with the winding staircase.
 There are a lot of hotels along it to and while we were there we got to see a couple get married. It was such a pretty wedding site and I could see why they wanted to do it there.  We wondered if it was a destination wedding that we have been hearing so much about lately.

The other thing I liked was seeing the bridges that went over the river. It seemed like no two were alike. 

 I really liked this one.  I thought it was different and unique looking.
 Just like the bridges not being alike the water features were different and unique too. 

Water feature along the San Antonio River
   I saw this flower and had to get a picture of it. 

My husband got excited when he saw this bridge.  I didn't understand why. Then he explained that this was the area he used to come to for some concerts.
 This was  the area where they would sit.
 and this was the stage in which the performances would be held.
 I just thought this was a pretty shot.  The red thing in the background was the Friendship statue that was given to the city to show goodwill. 
 The River Walk San Antonio, TX
 Another view of it with some of the outdoor cafe's along the banks.
 The River Walk San Antonio, TX
 Another view of the River Walk and the tours that go up and down it.
 The River Walk San Antonio, TX
When I was here before with my kids the one thing I remember  most was how they loved looking at the birds and trying to throw food to them.  I know you weren't suppose to feed them but they were fun to watch especially when food would fall on the gound.
   This pigeon seemed like he was enjoying the river just as much as I was.

There were a lot of ducks there too. Like these Mallards.
 This one seemed like he was standing guard and when I looked more I could see why.
 Here's another Mallard standing guard over the females, which were usually hidden in the brush.

 I saw this black bird and was fascinated by it.  It's feathers were so dark they were iridescent almost in color.  This is a cropped image of one.
 The females didn't seem to have near the colors as the black ones.  I wondered if it was a crow but when I saw this female I decided it had to be something else.
 Here he is again getting water from a water feature. 
 When I tried to get a close up of the female he came over and started to make noises for me to go.
With that we were done with our walk and it was time to head back to the hotel.

I have such special memories of the place and because of that it will always be one of my favorite places to visit.  Its a great place and you really don't get a good feel of San Antonio unless you do experience it.

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