Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The National World War II Museum - New Orleans, LA

My husband had a class to take in New Orleans.  I went with him to help him with the driving since it was a long drive for one person to do in a day.  On our last day there the class was over at noon so we decided to spend a couple of hours seeing things before we headed back home.  While the Aquarium was my favorite thing to see and do the World War II Museum is my husbands.  Since I had already gotten to see the Aquarium we went to the World War II Museum.  I'm glad we did because they had changed things from the last time we were there.  Also even though some of the exhibits are the same, there is always something new you see or didn't realize before and you are constantly finding things out about the War.  Simply put there is just too much to learn in one visit and the more you can go the more you appreciate the museum. I think its a great museum and I'm glad it is being so well attended and supported.   Here's some of the things I saw while there:
These were taken in the lobby of the museum
Motorcycle in the lobby of the National World War II Museum, New Orleans, LA

More equipment to look at while you waited for tours to start in the lobby of the Museum.
They have a room with a whole section on the Higgins boats.  I got these images because during WWII my husband's aunt was a secretary for Mr Higgin and was very knowledgeable about these boats and talked about them.
Models of Higgin boats made in New Orleans during WWII

Display at the National World War II museum on the Higgin boat manufacturing in New Orleans.

Bronzed model of a Higgin boat
I thought this was interesting to see how much that gun could fire.
Outside the museum you could see this monument in the distance.  Its of Lee and I wanted to get a photo but that was the best I could get of it.
I thought I had written about it before but realized I had written very little - it was about the time I was having so much problems with my computer and it not downloading images properly and messing things up so much - It was such a hassle I just stopped blogging.
Here's what I did say about it back in April 2012 

One of the things my son wanted to see was the National World War II Museum. 

We parked on this street.   Andrew Higgins invented the Higgins boat which was used in D-Day.  My husbands aunt was of of  Mr Higgins secretaries during the war.  She is now deceased but whenever she ever talked about Mr Higgins she always had the utmost respect for him.   I know she would enjoy seeing this street now named after him,   and thus the picture.
 Here's a Higgins boat at the museum.
Higgins boat @ The National World War II museum, New Orleans, LA
 This is the lobby of the National World War II museum.  My son loved seeing the planes hanging from the ceiling.  I was impressed with all the flags of the different services that were used during the war. 
The lobby of the National World War II museum.
An airplane in the National World War II Museum
 We had planned on spending the rest of the weekend in New Orleans but didn't make reservations at a hotel.  Which is usually no problem and we have been able to get rooms before doing that,  but this time we were totally out of luck.  We did not realize it was the weekend of the National collegiate basketball playoff which was being held in this place:  The Super Dome.
I'm glad I got this much because all of my photo's from that time got corrupted and were subsequently lost.  You can see that there were some changes made to the lobby.

 Here's what Wikipedia has to say about it: wiki/National_World_War_II_Museum   .

If you ever go to New Orleans you really should check this museum out.

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