Saturday, October 26, 2013

2013 Louisiana State Fair

  On Saturday 10-26-2013 I decided to take a friend of mine to the state fair.  It was perfect timing for me.  My boys were off doing other things like hunting and decorating things for Halloween and helping move a person - none of which I was particularly interested in doing.   So while they were doing their thing I was doing mine -which is I absolutely love riding amusement rides.  I must admit as I get older I don't ride all the rides like I used to but I still can handle quite a few and I still love doing it. We picked a perfect day and time.  The weather was cool but not too bad and got warmer as we stayed there.  Also we got there just after the gates open so it wasn't too crowded and most rides we could just get right on. 
Enough talking and here's my images of the Louisiana fair - 2013 version.
There was the old time favorite  the carousal 
and kiddy rides that I couldn't fit on but my friend could and she enjoyed doing.
 Then we went on the Ferris wheel.  I just loved getting up high and being able to look over the areal like that.  This was looking west.

This is to the south/ southwest.   The green top building is Hirsh Coliseum.  The parking lot was already almost filled and it wasn't even noon yet.  In the way back is a refinery and glass plant.

This was southeast
 This was to the east.  In the way distance you can see the downtown.  In front of it is a complex of white building which is one of the main local hospitals in the area.

The one I wanted was to the north. When I first tried to get the shot I got this and liked it so I'm including it.
Riding the ferris-wheel
 Then I got this one and liked it too.
riding the ferris-wheel
 Then I finally got a photo I could live with.  If you look way in the distance you can kinds see a ridge.  That is Caddo Pine Island oil field.  It was found in 1906 and has been a prolific producing oil field.
Sometime from certain places you can really notice how it is slightly higher than the surrounding area and it was no wonder oil was found there.
   The white building behind the flag is the Louisiana exhibit museum.
 This is back to the Northwest and the fairground. 
Since it was the state fair we just had to check out the animals, like these baby chicks.

 And the cows
 and the sheared sheep.  This one seemed very proud of herself.
 This one was more into checking everything else out
 The pigs
 We got a hoot out of this one trying to get into the bag looking for food.  All that was in the bag was wood shavings for their stalls.
 Most of the pigs were like these sound asleep and could care less what was going on.
 The favorites were the goats.  They just seemed to have more personality and were definitely interested in what we were doing.
 This one was a real cutie by he wouldn't stay still long enough to let me get a good picture.

 I thought I had a good one with this one but when I got home it wasn't really that good.
 This one seemed to get jealous and was trying to get our attention.
 It took a couple of tries---
 And then I got this one and thought it was good.
 The one thing we did not see was horses.  I guess they were in a different area or will be there at a different time.
It was a great way to spend the day and I couldn't have asked for a nice day if I tried.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there - just in case you don't trawl back through Comments, I left one just now on your Pumpkin moth of Oct 7 all warm wishes from the UK and its moths, Martin Wainwright
