Tuesday, September 17, 2013

'At Rainbow Bridge' a poem for pet loss & my Rainbows

     Awhile back when I went on a trip to the hill country of Texas with my husband we saw this most incredible rainbow.  It was so bright and outstanding.  I thought it would make a great picture.  Trouble was I was driving.  I got my husband to get the camera out; the next trouble was I had taken so many pictures previously the batteries were dead and he didn't know how to change the batteries on my camera.  Then I thought of my cellphone but I failed to charge it the night before and so I couldn't have him use that.  He decided to try and use his cellphone which he had plugged in and was charging at the time.  He got some really good ones.
    This was the 1st one he got that I cropped to go with the rest of the blog.
Rainbow near Palestine Texas
   We did not download them when we got home from his phone. On Saturday, I discovered some really upsetting stuff.  All of my photo's on my cellphone SD card were gone.  I couldn't believe I had lost them  all.  On Thursday I thought I had virus protection on my cellphone and I got a warning.  I followed the instructions and when I did that let the virus into my phone and it  wipe out everything on my phone.  On Saturday I took some photo's and went to look at them and thought it was unusual that the phone said SD card not detected.  I tried to find the photos and they were all gone.  I was just heartsick over the loss of all those images because they had the last photo of Buddy and KC.  Luckily I had downloaded them to the computer and they are still in the computer.  I'm also glad I had blogged about them in this blog so I still have them.   (please make sure you back up your images too- you can never be too careful.   I'm  just glad there were only of few that I hadn't back up and they were things that I could take over again.)
Because I had lost my stuff we wanted to make sure my husbands photo's weren't lost either on his cell phone and I've gone ahead and downloaded them too.

   When Buddy and KC died I thought about using one of the rainbow photo's but I decided it was already too long(http://rockhoundingaround.blogspot.com/2013/09/saying-goodbye-to-mans-best-friends-my.html  ).  But now I'm going to used them because my sister sent me this poem her vet had given her and I thought that is the perfect time to use some of these photo's.  The poem touched me so much and I would like to share it with the rainbow pictures.
This is one I cropped and enhanced:
Rainbow Bridge

 I wanted to find out who the author was and try to give credit that way and send you a link. At first  I couldn't find the author.  I first checked with Wikipedia Rainbow_Bridge .  Next I googled it and got some stuff - I clicked on Ask and found one that said free printable one.  Clicked on that and got sent to  Wow.  Wow sent me back to Ask.  Most of the things I would click on would send me back to Ask.  I did find a Rainbow Bridge blog http://rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm .   Here's also a book that was written about it http://www.legendofrainbowbridge.com/poem.html called the legend of Rainbow Bridge written in  1994 by William Britton.  And here's ( http://www.drsfostersmith.com/pic/article.cfm?aid=1094) a different version at site for coping with pet loss.

I think I finally found the version I got, and since this is copyrighted you will just have to click on the link below.
AT RAINBOW BRIDGE by  Steve and Diane Bodofsky 1998 http://www.newrainbowbridge.com/NRB/rbpoem.htm

The photo's are mine and I'm going to include some of the photo's we took of the incredibly beautiful rainbow.  When I saw the first one with the cows in the field I thought it was perfect.  Then it disappeared for awhile and we thought it was nice to get what we did since that is usually all we get as far as rainbows go.
 But the road turned just enough and all of a sudden we could see it again only this time it was a lot stronger.
.   As we drove it kept on getting longer and longer.
 Trouble was we were starting to go into the town and lost the pastoral scenes of it. 
But it just kept getting longer and longer.
 Then we saw it arch over.  I just wished we could have gotten the whole image of it arching over the road.  And the other problem was it was about that time the rain started and we had to turn the windshield wipers on.    I included this one of Sonic because my dog Buddy thought he was human and whatever I ate he should get some of it too.  My kids love to eat at Sonic and so Buddy used to love Sonic food too. It's only fitting he should have some of his favorite food too where he's at now. 
 And here's another one of it arching over. 
Rainbow Bridge
I have a couple of more images of the rainbow bridge, but these are some of the better ones.  My husband did try to video it but it just didn't work.  I'm just grateful we got the pictures that we did get.

It's been awhile since I've posted this post.  I do get some hits on it and because of that when I got some more rainbow pictures the other day I thought I would include them here.  I was driving in the Mississippi flood plane and thought of the rainbow bridge poem.
 I did crop out some of the cars and and other stuff.

a Rainbow bridge
 This one I enhanced while the one below is unenhanced.

 This was the best one, but it wasn't over a field like I wanted it.

I was looking through some old photo's and came across this other rainbow.

I was cooking dinner and noticed it was raining outside but the sun was also shinning - I figured that there had to be a rainbow somewhere.  I took the pots off the burners and went outside and found it right outside my front door.  I just wished my camera could have gotten the whole bow like I was seeing it.
  I guess from now on I'll just add my rainbow pictures here.

I did get some more rainbow pictures. Here's 2 I took on 8-10-2014.  With these I just happen to have my cell in my pocket as I went out the front door to take you the trash.

 I liked the one below because a flock of birds when flying by as I was trying to get the picture.  All those black specs are birds.  It kinda made me feel like they were helping the dogs go over the rainbow.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to make a poem for my beloved Argo, but I end it crying. I really miss him and It's very hard to cope. I'm lucky because in pet cremation houston they give support and helping us to give the best for last. I really appreciate your service. Good Job!
