Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A fun day at Sci Port Discovery Center, Shreveport LA

I took a friend to one of my favorite places Sci Port Discovery center.  She was interested in looking at the animals and so that is what we looked at after she spent a lot of time at the stream table trying to make a lake that wouldn't form a drainage channel. 

Green Anole - here's a closer view of it.  She really liked it saying it looked like that TV ad.
Green Anole

I tried to take some pictures of the water table but they did not turn out.  They also have a exhibit for a lock and dam operations.  Its in the background of this picture.

In our area a lot of cotton is grown and I always thought seeing a cotton gin work would be fascinating since I know how hard it is to get the seeds out manually.
This is what I wanted to show her.  This was the type of stuff I used to do years and years ago.
This is a seismic section across north Louisiana.

This is an electric log with a core sample next to it.  I always liked the Ferry Lake Anhydrite and so I took this picture to explain what  the squiggly lines meant. 
It still blows me away that Pluto is not considered a planet anymore.  They had this special exhibit on it along with a lot of other information on the other planets.
We needed to take a break and while waiting I notice this on the wall.  Two years ago Sci Port was rated as #8 in the Parent magazine best science centers.  I knew it was good but I didn't realize it was so good.  Makes me proud of my city and having such a great place to take friends to visit.

This was my friends favorite thing to do.  Previously she had pulled some other ropes and used pulleys and other things to lift things up.  She thought this was so neat the way it lifted her up.
I found out I had a virus on my cellphone and so a lot of my photo's got wiped out.  There is so much more to see and do there.  The main reason we went was because she wanted to see a movie and I wanted to take her to a child friendly show.  They have an Imax theater there and she just love see the film on the Artic and all those polar bears. 

If you ever have a chance you should go to the Sci Port Discovery Center its well worth your time and money. 

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