Saturday, July 20, 2013

Awesome Alpine Adventure: Day 5 - St Moritz

Day 5 found us at our leisure in the town of St Moritz Switzerland.
Favorite image:
I just liked the way this arch seemed to be with the church steeple.  It was very typical as to what the place was like.  The old with the new.

Today there was nothing on the schedule so we could do what we wanted to.  We decided we walk around and explore the town of St. Moritz  some more (offical website  , Wikipedia -St._Moritz ) .  We also decided to take the cable car up to Piz Nair.   We had talked to some people that had done it the day before and they thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommended doing it.  Since we're not big shoppers this was just right for us, but its going to be a post in itself, right now its just going to be things we saw while walking around the town.

We woke up to a scene like this out of window.  It was hard to get motivated when you are looking at something so beautiful as this.   This was probably the best image I got as to how green the water was.
Lake St Moritz
 Eventually we did get motivated.  There was just too much to see and do.  We came downstairs and walked out the doors to find the perfect vehicle to take us places. 
 But alas we needed the exercise and decided to walk instead.
We were looking for the cable car station and so we decided to go to where we had eaten lunch the day before.  A nice restaurant that we liked so much we ate dinner there again that night.  We knew it was close to here from what we were told the night before.
 We could see it running up the mountain so we started to go up the mountain.  We came to what was the main plaza in the city and most of the city activities  seemed centered around it.
 A better view of  the Plazza da Scoula
 We kept on walking on the street that they said it was on.  And eventually got to this place.  We knew we had gone too far but was glad we did since the view was so incredible. 
 This is looking back towards the city. I think this is the Bernia Range. (Wikipedia -  Bernina_Range ) The region  is also called the Rhaetian Alps (Wikipedia - Rhaetian_Alps).
 This was looking at the mountain behind which we wanted to go up - Piz Nair. 
 A direct shot right across.
 We saw this and decided to keep on walking to check it out.
 It was a church called St Mauritius.
 We turned around and headed back into the town.  Only this time we decided we needed to go higher
 As we were walking we kept on seeing this building and decided to check it out.
 It was an old church building that just had the tower left .  The area next to it had been made into a park.  We couldn't tell if those were graves or just commemorative plaques for people.  It was a very peaceful and nice place to retreat to and rest. 
 Same tower just from a different angle.
 We kept on walking and saw some interesting buildings like this one.
 And this one - the Chesa Futura by Norman Foster

 We got to the cable tracks only to realize there was a tunnel there and the cable entrance was down below, so we started down this set of stairs .

  As I was going down I noticed these lilacs and took pictures of them. 
 We got down the stairs only to be at the back side of the city hall again.  This time I asked for directions from a city road worker and was pointed to a building two buildings away.  We were able to ride the cable car up and that is a post in and of itself.

We then came back to our hotel room and rested until it was time for dinner.
Again having a view like this makes it easy to lie down and just stare out the windows.

Lake St Moritz Switzerland
I was going to make a separate  post on the flowers I saw will out walking but have decided to include them here.  That was one thing I loved about the Swiss they loved their flowers and had gorgeous ones growing all over the place.  I was very glad we came when we did because so many of the wild flowers were in bloom too.

 These were from the night before


To be continued.... Piz Nair.

PS:  I do want to thank the group that took us on this awesome adventure and all the wonderful people we got to know while going on it.  You know who you are - THANK YOU.

Also I have to thank my husband for being such a wonderful traveling companion and wanting to make as many unforgettable memories as possible. Thank You.

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