Thursday, July 18, 2013

Awesome Alpine Adventure Day 4: Badrutt's Palace

Day 4:  The hotel we stayed at:  Badrutt's Palace
Favorite picture for this post:
Badrutt's Palace
The hotel. 

We heard we were going to Badrutt's and we wondered about the place with a name like that but then it did have a Palace after it so we knew it wouldn't be bad at all.
 The entrance that coach pulled into and saw all those expensive shops.   

Also there were Rolls Royce's in the parking lot. .

And what a palace it was.

We were taken into a reception room to get a little talk of what there was to see and do while we were in the town. While we waited for everyone to come we were immediately drawn to the windows so we could see the view from it.
They called us all together and started talk.I could hardly pay attention to what they were saying because I was so  mesmerized by what I was seeing. The woodwork in it was unbelievable and on the walls they had all this artwork.  I tried taking a picture of the one that was so famous (without flash) and got a finger shaken at me. (Sorry its not the best but it was all I got)

  I could tell they didn't want you doing things like that but I figured some of woodwork would be okay but even that they frowned on so I didn't take as much as I wanted but I did get a few.
 The ceiling
 The doors to the reception room
 The walls to the reception room
 The bar lounge area
 and the hotel lobby. 
 The room we got was just as impressive.

 The bathroom was incredible I would have loved to have had it for a masterbathroom.
 And this was the view we looked out too-- to the right,
 straight out the window,
 to the left.
Later we went exploring and found the pool area.  You can barely see the outdoor in the picture above.  You have to take the elevators to get to it.
And it was so neat because when you get off the elevators you are in a cave.   It was all quite spectacular.  They had it very dimly lit and and it was all to draw your attention to the water feature than had the tinkling of water peacefully falling.
the hallway to the pool area at the Badrutt's Palace
The geologist in me just had to check out the rock.  The walls were reinforced and also had messing on them so it was difficult to get a good look but from what I could tell it was probably a marble since I read somewhere the mountain range around here is mostly limestone and dolomite.  This looked too crystaline for it to be just limestone.
 Here's were the Elevator shaft came down into it. I just wished the lighting would have been better but then it would have ruined the whole atmosphere it created. 
The pool area was no less spectacular and I wasn't surprised to find out some people spent their whole time there enjoying it.
The indoor pool
 the view from the indoor pool
The outdoor pool
 the outdoor pool with its vanishing water edge.
 There was this cave looking area.  We thought it might be a Grotto.
 But discovered it had private hot tubs.
 In fact there was more than one.
 As we were exploring the place we were able to talk to some of the staff. We found out that the Hotel had been closed and had just reopened up the week before.  It is mainly used in the winter months for the skiing in the area.  The children were still in school and were getting out on the 1st of July.   So we came at a good time since there were so few tourist there.
Since there were so few people at the hotel the service we got was unbelievable.
What impressed me the most was they even sent a birthday cake to my husband without us ordering it.   They just showed up with it and boy was it culinary delight.
Now was that service or what?  It was a hard place to leave.

PS:  I do want to thank the group that took us on this awesome adventure and all the wonderful people we got to know while going on it.  You know who you are - THANK YOU.

Also a thank you goes to my husband for having a birthday that we will never forget.

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