Thursday, April 19, 2012

I'm sick about My Computer - I assumed what I saw = what you saw

   Its only recently that I've figured this out with the help of the family getting an IPad.  I've often wondered why I get so little interest in my posts and now I understand why.  I didn't intentionally set out to make things look this crazy - its what Blogger does to it after I post things and doesn't let me see it. (Now I'm sounding really paranoid but I'm not - just read and see for yourself what I'm having troubles with.)  Makes me wonder if anyone else has these types of trouble?  It makes me wonder if I should still do some blogging. It also makes me wonder if Blogger is trying to get rid of people or what? Or is it time for me to trash the computer I have.

   Recently my family acquired an IPad2.  We've been talking about getting one for awhile and almost did at Christmas time, but decided to wait for the new ones to come out, figuring the IPad2 would be cheaper if we waited.  So we waited and finally got one.  At first my kids totally hogged it and I couldn't even touch it or look at it even if my life depended on it.  That was okay with me because I've been busy lately, helping with Teacher Appreciation week, Spring Break, taking my son to the state Geography Bee, traveling to South Caroline to see my son become a Marine, Easter, taxes and finally holding a crawfish boil ect....  I was so busy with other stuff I didn't have time to think about it let alone touch it.  Which was good because like any new toy a kid seems to get they play with it all the time when they first get it but once the newness wears off they are on to something else.  So now I finally have time to get my hands on it and can look at it trying to figure things out. 
What I'm seeing I really don't like.

   One of the things that absolutely shocked me was to discover what I was looking at on my computer is not necessarily what others are seeing too. It's definitely not what I'm seeing on my IPad when I look up this blog on it.

  I first noticed it when I went to look at the post I did on the Fox.  Here: Fox @ Cypress Bend Resort (Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that blogger will let me download the picture I want to post.  Lately its been very picky about what it will let me include and what it wont, even when I make sure its within the pixel parameters required by blogger. Its always a hit or miss thing.  Whats really weird is sometimes if I make a copy of it, blogger will let me load the copy but not the original even though nothings been changed - I do like having figured that aspect out.)  My computer shows this:
Below is what I see on my IPad.

The one picture is so much bigger than the other and its out of place.  It's right below the writing and above the other picture. Plus it shows up again  where its suppose to be like the way I see it on my computer. I never wanted to have two of the same picture in that post. 

At first, it was no big deal.  So they made the picture bigger.  I guess people can see it better that way, right?  That's why they did it, right? But why is it out of place like it is?  Why are there two of them when I only downloaded one?  What the heck is going on here? So I used my IPad as a guide and I corrected it via my son's Apple lap top that showed it the way the IPad was showing.  No big deal its all right again.. 
  I mused why Blogger would be doing this and it dawn upon me that maybe because I'm only allowed so much storage space for free and then after that I have to pay.  The more images they use the more storage it takes thus the more money they get.  Or there maybe some other crazy thing they have going on that I can't figure out. 

   Getting back to the IPad, I then  noticed I could get my email on the IPad and read it from there.  So I opened up one of emails from one of the blogs I like to follow.  I started to read it and notice all the nice pictures with it.but got distracted  with a 'MOM' and had to stop reading it.   I got back to my IPad and played around with it some more but the one thing I couldn't figure out with my IPad was how to delete email without opening it.  I once had a computer long ago that did that same thing and it unleashed the worse virus by opening a  suspicious piece of mail and I didn't want that same problem again, so I went to my home computer that I've always worked on for my posts.  I deleted the one suspicious email  and up popped that email blog I like to follow so I decided to open it up and finish reading it.  Only problem was not all the pictures were there.  This surprised me.  So I got the IPad and opened up the mail again and looked at the two together.  Sure enough my home computer didn't show the pictures while the IPad did.

  I started to think back to when Google made all those changes last year.  I know it made me sick to loose all those pictures on my blog posts. (or so I thought because my computer didn't show them)  Most of the post I didn't care about but my more popular ones it did matter to me.  My post on    Hogdes Gardens   (June 2, 2011)gets a lot of hits and I wanted it back up to what I had posted so I spent a long time figuring out what picture went where and getting all the pictures back into place where I wanted them to be.   On my computer I finally had something that was acceptable again.
   And here's what it now looked liked, showing how I got one picture back but not the others. And this shows how my pictures are missing on my computer screen as seen by the caption still being there in the center box.
 Now switching to the IPad this is what's visible on it. The bottom picture is the same picture. But the top is totally different.
But what really got to me was when I looked on my IPad and saw this with my Hodges Garden post.
Now you can see a little of what I saw and why it is so troubling to me.  What really frustrates me is the fact that, I only added that picture twice and there ended up being 3 of the same one. Why it is this way is beyond me. Notice that one of them  is bigger than the others just like the Fox.  Trust me I never wanted to have 3 of the same pictures there. Also I try to keep them the same size unless there is some detail that needed to be seen then I'll blow it up but shift it to the left so it fits on the screen properly. On my home computer screen it shows the way I wanted it to appear.
    Below is how it appears on my computer screen. Quite a difference.  I never imagined that there would be anything else than what I see on my computer.  It never cross my mind that Blogger could mess it up like it is.  And the most frustrating part is I can find no technical support to correct this problem by going through Blogger or Google.  All they want is comments.

 No wonder I'm not getting followers on my blog - people must think I'm really weird or something else after seeing all of these kinky posts.  I want to joke about it and say I'm a stutter and blogger is doing a good job of expressing that to people.  I can assure you I'm not and after much trial an error I'm trying to correct my posts so they will look like a normal regular post.  (Just for the heck of it I tried this post to see what it was looking like on another computer and sure enough it was doing some of those same crazy things - Hopefully when I post this I'll have all the kinks worked out of it.)

This isn't the only area where I've been having troubles.  On Twitter I can't get images - I thought I was doing something wrong but now I know its my computer and not me.  At least with the IPad I do get the images and have been able to work with some of it.
Here's a shot showing how I don't get images on twitter.  And I've tried so many different things trying to get them but I just can't. I must admit the Twitter support people were very helpful and did provide good suggestions.  I've finally concluded with Twitter its my computer and not the programs I'm working with.

And the other area I've had so much trouble with was with the captatchas (here:my-problems-with-captchas)  I still have troubles with them even with all the helpful suggestions I've gotten.   The good thing is I can now leave comments through my IPad.  So now I don't worry about them like I did before.

Now I must figure out if its Blogger that is messing up,  (Since I don't see all the  images on other blogs sometimes) or is it my computer that's having the problem.  If anyone has any idea how I can correct things as I work on them without going to another computer I would greatly appreciate it.

Now I'm going to be spending all of my time trying to correct my older posts.  What a nuisance. 

 I Muse: Is it worth the effort since I seem to have so few followers?  But every once in a while I do get visitors and for their sake I guess I should fix things, so they don't think I'm crazy too.

 I.Muse:  I wish I could make a video, of what I'm trying to show but I haven't gotten so sophisticated with all of this technology stuff yet. Maybe some day I will but as of now my hands are full try to correct things.  Right now I'm just satisfied to be able to figure out how to fix this problem so I can make this a normal looking post.


  1. Not only computers, but in particular browsers render things differently. I used to check my stuff on both MAC and Windows and at least 3 different browsers on each. I don't care so much any more, and have a feeling of how things will show. That apart Blogger sometimes has a weird way with pictures.

    1. I've learned my lesson and will be checking from now on. My trouble is the home computer is what I have access to all the time. Other computers I have to borrow from someone else. At least now I have access to the IPad and that will help.

  2. Ann, I haven't the vaguest idea how Blogger or your computer has been (for quite some time) generating multiple photos - that has never happened to me, but I use the old editor and not the new Blogger editor, and I haven't "upgraded" as mandated in the last week to the "new look".

    Your blog has, from day one, never opened in IE8 for me, but instead crashes IE8, so I have to open it in Firefox. Today, I actually had to use Chrome to open it, because Firefox also froze.

    I think you will need a local IT person to figure this out. Or just switch to a new platform like your I-pad or an upgraded or new computer, or a new browser. Maybe you are using IE6 on your current computer? IE6 is no longer supported on the web, and IE7 is barely supported.

    I also always use the HTML editor rather than the "Compose" part of the Blogger interface for uploading photos, and also almost always use HTML for typing in the entire blog post. That way, I can set the size of the photo to anything I want. I can't use "Compose" to upload photos without problems, and I haven't found the new editor to be easy to use for photos, either. The old editor can be found and returned to under "Settings" / "Basic" / at the bottom "Global Settings" / "Select post editor" / "Old editor".

    I have never ever found Blogger's "WYSIWYG" claim in new or old editor to be valid. In the new editor, the preview takes up too much memory space on my browser to be functional (takes forever to preview, and I like to preview many times while writing a post). In the old editor, the preview looks approximately the same way it will look when published, but not identical to the final post. I actually have a couple other unpublished blogs where I can post a blog post and see what it will look like if I'm not sure.

    1. Thank you so much for your help Silver Fox. I really do appreciate your helping me out once again.

      It seems I've been on the new Blogger editor. I don't recall being on anything else. I never realize there was a choice in the matter. I have switched over to the old editor and will give it a try.

      I don't know anything about IE8 or 7 or 6. I've usually used Firefox to get onto the blog. Sometime I've used Slimbrowser but not very often. I don't know about Chrome. As far as using Chrome today, a couple of days ago we update Firefox to 11 and I think that maybe the problem for that.

      I've been using 'Compose' to write my posts. I've switched to HTML. I didn't realize there was a difference and thought I had to be on Compose to write something.

      I do have another unpublished blog that I've checked things on before. Trouble is with that I see the same things I see on my blog. That's one of the main reasons I never knew I was having this sort of problem. I never dreamed things would be different on other computers -- like I said before I just assumed others were seeing the same stuff I was seeing. I'll be checking things on my IPad, and I would appreciate it if you do see multiple same images if someone would let me know so I can try to remove them. The one thing I've figured out is if there is a caption don't delete that one - that's the one everyone should see.

      The more I'm working with this problem the more I feel like it's something the matter with my computer. It'll be awhile before I can get a tech to check it out.

      In the meanwhile with all of these suggestions I'm hoping I've gotten the issue under control. Right now I'm so frustrated with it, I need to walk away from it for awhile before I feel like I can tackle this stuff again.

      Again thank you for your help.

  3. nice article ann...
    support my blog if you want :)
