Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pollen in air = Beautiful Sunsets

  The days are getting longer and as they do the sunset is occurring about the time I'm getting dinner ready and or we are eating it. Our kitchen table is right by a big picture window that looks to the west.  When we are eating we've been able to enjoy watching the sunset.  The last couple of days we've had some unusually beautiful sunsets. 
   On Friday we were having some unusually warm weather too so my husband and I decided to get some steaks and grill them for dinner.  As we were grilling them we were also able to watch the sunset while we drank some wine.  Again it was another beautiful sunset.  It was so pretty I just had to get a picture or two.

   As we were musing about it my husband asked me if I had any idea why the sunsets have been so beautiful lately.  I figured it had to be due to the tree pollen in the air.  He thought it was a bit early for that.  My response was 'then why was I at the allergy doctors office yesterday?'
  This past week my eyes have been really irritated and my nose stuffed up.  The doctor told me it was due to the tree pollen in the air.  Years ago I learned that the more particulate matter that is in the air the prettier the sunsets you have. ( here's what Wikipedia has to say about sunsets and its color- which confirms what I remember about airborne particles causing the colors in sunsets.). It just stands to reason that all this tree pollen that's giving me fits is also causing these beautiful sunsets.

So now its late at night and my husband is snoring which is something he hardly ever does and I can't sleep.  I know his allergies are starting to act up too due to all this pollen in the air. I know I can't complain because I've been snoring too and that's what keeps on waking me up - hearing myself snore.  Yes Spring has definitely sprung in this area.

Now I'm musing upon what are my doctors bills going to be since it seems like we are all suffering from allergies already this season.  I can't complain too much because I'm getting to see such pretty sunsets and they are free.

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