Monday, July 18, 2011

Rainbow picture

Last night I went out to feed the cat and noticed a rainbow in the sky.  I went inside and got my camera and decided to take some images.  The rainbow is faint but it is there in both of these.
 In these shots I was looking east.
 Rainbows have always fascinated me and they are so rare to see around here because of the weather patterns.  So when I see one I like to watch it until it fades away and think about them and how beautiful they are.Here's more about what Wikipedia has to say about Rainbows.

It was a really weird weather night.  So I took some more images.  I noticed that the weather was coming in from the east which is really unusual for us, since it normally comes from the west.  It reminded me of tornado weather so I decided to stay outside and watch as the storm came in.  The lower clouds were definitely coming from the east but the higher clouds were coming from the west-northwest.  It was definitely tornado weather/ also severe thunderstorm weather conditions too.
This is what the sky looked  like looking south.
And here's what it looked like to the north.
 I liked the way the sun was reflecting off the clouds higher up in the atmosphere.
I thought it interesting to see that white streak.  It made me wonder if it was maybe a third or fourth order refraction from the rainbow.  

Finally I got some really pretty sunset images too.

 It amazed me that each direction when I looked at the sky it could look so totally different.  It just made me stand still and marvel at the wonder of it all.
After the sun went down we did have a thunderstorm come through.

Now I'm musing about how much we needed that rain and wondering when we are going to get more.

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