Monday, May 23, 2011

The Lily Farm, Center TX

   Sunday was one of those rare days where there was a lot to do in our town, mostly associated with people graduating and having parties, so none of my regular stuff was scheduled that I would normally do on a Sunday afternoon.  My family and I were not invited to any of these events so I had the afternoon off.  It felt so weird not having anything to do and because of that I decided to take advantage of the day off and go on a day trip.  In the Sunday paper there was an add for a lily farm in Center Texas.  I thought that would be the perfect thing to do. The problem was the hours they were open, just 9-2:30.  My husband and I decided to go anyway and left around 11 to get there. 
   It is an indescribably beautiful place to visit.  I felt like the rapture had occurred on the 21st and I was in heaven seeing all these lovely flowers.  Some of them were so pretty I just had to get pictures and share them.  .
 This is the sign you see as you pull up to the place.  It is West of Center TX on Hwy 7W.

 We drove past field after field to get to the place to park the car.
 Finally we found these covered screen areas where you could park. 
As you walk to where the help is there to greet you, you see this fountain.  I thought it amusing that here we were surrounded by all these lovely lilies and they have roses around the fountain and it says 'The Lily Farm'.

 We started to talk to the owners,  they explained that each row had a sign.  They asked you to take some flags with you of a certain color to mark the ones you are interested in.  We got orange flags.  They then directed us to these covered areas to start our looking.  You can't tell it from the pictures but they had over 20 areas covered with screens, and that didn't count the numerous fields we passed as we came up where the operations were carried out.

As they were showing us the lilies, they explained to us that if there was a blue flag by a group those were lilies that were being closely observed and were not for sale.
  We came at a good time and that next week should be there peak week.  I'm glad we came when we did because you can see how many we saw that were already blooming.
  Here's two that were not for sale.
 Then we were  turned loose to see all the lovely lilies.  There were so many to see it was overwhelming at first

  But you quickly start to walk and take an interest in certain ones that catch your eye.
 Some of them you really like, that is until you see the price on them.

I quickly found that each group had a tag with its name.  I thought I was smart taking pictures with the tag so I would know them when I got back home.  I didn't realize the glare from the sun would keep me from knowing what some of them were.
  Here is a typical clump that had the name and price.
I was happy to find these that I could afford, like these for $20.  Most of the lilies that I really liked were out of my price range.

Like these Spring Mystique that cost a $100.

Now to see some that caught my eyes.


  My husband like these.  He said either one would be good for LSU fans.

We wondered around and then got to the fields.

I was surprised to see these being grown too.

   I never knew there could so many different day lilies to choose from.
Oh decisions, decisions.  How could you not want to take one of every one home.  I'm just glad I don't have enough space (or money) to put them all and had to narrow down to just a couple of affordable ones.
It was hard to choose, but eventually we got five to take home. 

  Since we where done with the Lily Farm around 2:00,  and had the rest of the day of ,and we were in an area that we normally don't get to very often we decided to take advantage of that and see if Hodges Garden was open since it had been closed the last time we were there.  It was-- but its going to be a different post since I took so many pictures there.

I've had people looking at this post looking for the Lily farm so I'm going to include the  link for hit here:
Lily Farm, Center Tx

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