Thursday, March 24, 2011


One of my favorite places to go is to the R W Norton Art Gallery @ 4747 Crestwell, Shreveport, LA  318-865-4201. Open 10-5 Tues-Fri 1-5 Sat & Sun, closed Monday.  Admission is Free.   Norton Art Gallery
It's hard to believe that this wonderful museum is free, but it truly is.  The Norton's like to collect things and they needed a place to show their stuff so they built this incredible building.  They have a love for our community so they've opened it up to the public so everyone can enjoy their things too.  The surrounding area is beautifully landscaped too, and is also free to the public.(Now that's true Southern Hospitality to me.)  I am so extremely Thankful to the Norton's for letting me see their spectacular things and creating so many wonderful memories for me.

Every year I've gone there on a field trip about this time of year with one of my children's classes.  My boys are getting older and my youngest in now in middle school and  is not taking field trips like that anymore. So I went on my own.  This time of year the surrounding property is usually unbelievable beautiful.  Words can not describe how pretty it can be.  Even pictures can not do it justice.  I must admit I got there just a couple of days early to see the azalea's in full bloom but it is still very pretty.  Since I don't know when I can get back there again I'm going to share the pictures that I did take with you. 

R W Norton Art Gallery, Shreveport, LA
 This is the view as you pull up to the right side and park.
 I was surprised to see the Camilla's still blooming. Usually they are some of the first things to bloom and are normally gone by the time the azaleas start to bloom.  With the above picture you can see the lovely paths that they have put in so people can walk around the property. 

A dog wood in bloom by the pond

The back side of R W Norton Art Gallery
This year I was surprised to see this new addition to the Gallery.  I took a couple more pictures of it since I liked it so much. 
'Canyon Watch (Puma) by Kent Ullberg  with the R W Norton Art Gallery in the background

Canyon Watch (Puma) by Kent Ullberg at the R W Norton Art Gallery

Azaleas just starting to bloom
 This is a hill that goes up to the building and down to a pond.  In the past it is so, so beautiful when you catch it on the right days because it is just a cascade of flowers flowing down to the pond. 
Pond at R W Norton Art Gallery, 'Brown Pelican' by Sandy Scott
 The state bird of Louisiana is the brown pelican.  This is one of the first sculptures that they had put in on the grounds part of the property. 

  'Brown Pelican' by Sandy Scott -  Sculpture at R W Norton Art Gallery
 This is a better picture of the Brown Pelican with the gallery in the background.
R W Norton Art Gallery grounds
 This is not a natural stream.  In fact two years ago this did not even exist.  They put it in to help channel some of the run off water from the parking area, and to help circulate the water in the pond.  Last year I saw them building this and I actually know the person who was designing it and putting it in.  I didn't realize she was so talented.  I'm very please to see it finished and looking so nice.

 This is where part of the natural stream used to go.  I can see that they put a border and some ledges into it to make the water look like it is flowing in a more natural way. 
Tulip tree
 This is the back side of the gallery.  I noticed this yellow Tulip tree.  I'm used to the Japanese Tulip Magnolia's.  This one caught my eye because it is different from the ones I am used to.  My Tulip Magnolia Tree
A Rose
I was also surprised to see a rose actually blooming at the garden.  The roses in this area usually don't come out until the end of April to the first week in May.
'Wild Boar Fountain Piece' or ' Il Porcellino' by Giuseppe Benelli  @ R W Norton Art Gallery
 This wild boar sculpture is/was always one of my children favorite things to see while we visit the grounds at the museum. 

The sign said Sophora Seundflora,   Silver Sierre;  Texas Mountain Laurel

Sophora Seundflora; Silver Sierre;  Texas Mountain Laurel
 They now have a desert looking landscape area.  They were building it last year and was sectioned off so I couldn't see what they were doing.  It's nice to see the area completed and some of the plants actually blooming.  This Texas mountain laurel caught my eye.

Azelea's starting to bloom at the R W Norton Art Gallery

The R W Norton Art Gallery
 I turned the corner to see this pretty view from the left of the gallery.  What is neat about the museum is when you go in there are two wings to it that go off on either side of it.  I've watched both wings being added through the years.  I'm glad they added the other wing because now the building has a symmetrical look to it making it more pleasing and impressive to see when you first pull up and see it.
   One of the things I really like about the museum is the fact that it is always changing and evolving.  You never know what they are going to be working on next.  It just keeps on getting better, and better, and better.......  And it always amazes me that its still free.  I keep on expecting them to start to charge something so they can continue to do all the fascinating things that

Azalea's @ R W Norton Art Gallery
 Even thought these are beautiful, you should see them when they are in full bloom. Below you kinda get a hint as to what they can be like.  Usually there blooms are so profuse you don't get to see any green leaves at all, just a sea of pinks flowers. 
Azaleas @ R W Norton Art Gallery
And here's a closeup of some of the Azaleas that were blooming.  See all the buds that still have yet to open.
Azalea's at R W Norton Art Gallery

Needless to say it is a favorite place for people to take pictures and I think you can understand why the R W Norton Art Gallery is so popular.

I hope I can get back there soon when everything is in full bloom.
I just got done going back to their web sight and they have a web cam going so I'll be able to watch them even if I can't get there.  Here's that location Norton Art Gallery - gardens. Isn't modern technology wonderful.  I can't believe I can see it today with out going there.

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