Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Interest in Other Things

This post is not going to be geologic related stuff but on my other things.  For over 50 years I had to entertain myself without using the internet.  Needless to say I've developed some hobbies and interest that have kept me busy all these years.  Geology has always been my main love but living up north with the snow I couldn't always go outside or do things outside for very long.  I had to find other things to do during the winter time.
  My main form of entertainment was reading.  I came by that naturally since my mom was a grade school librarian, (also my sister and my brother-in-law are both librarians too.)  I grew up in a house were my mom would be making dinner and reading a book and that book was not a cookbook but a best seller.  She'd have it propped on the counter as she would mix ingredients together.  I could never figure out how she ever mastered that technique because whenever I try reading my cookbook to cook something I get all sorts of ingredients into it.  Also in our house we only had one TV for the longest time.  Most of the time I didn't care for what was being watched. Since my mom was a librarian we'd have books all over the house. I'd much rather go and curl up with a good book and be entertained for hours by reading it.  My favorite genre is science fiction.
  I was a middle child in a big family.  Most of the time I was left alone to do my own thing.  The only person who really took an interest in me was my mom's mom.  She lived about 2 miles away and when I got older I was allowed to go visit her.  In fact I was encouraged to visit her since she was house bound and couldn't drive a car. My grandma believed that idle hands were the devil workshop and so she decided I needed to learn how to do certain things.  First and foremost she made sure I knew how to sew.  For that I will always be grateful to her.
   Next she decided I needed to learn how to embroider.  I was about seven years old and she thought I could handle that.  She used to be a school teacher in a one room school house and was very good at instructing you and then leaving you be to master it on your own.  She would only help you when you ran into a major problem that would keep a piece from being finished.  If it was something minor she would say 'Leave it, every hand made piece needs to have at least one mistake in it so that people know its hand made - otherwise they will think it came from a store.'  That was some of the best advice I ever got.  It allowed me to make minor mistakes in my stuff and not have everything perfect.  But don't get me wrong even though she wouldn't get upset with one tiny mistake she would not let you have  a lot of mistakes either.  I would hate it when she would look at something and say 'You can do better than that'.  She would undo what I did and then hand it back to me to do it better.  Here's the first piece I ever embroidered. It's a pillow case.

  After she taught me embroidering she taught me to crochet with a single needle.  I don't have anything from when she did teach me.  It was mostly dollies and edging for the pillow cases. But knowing how to crochet later in life I did crochet a couple of major pieces.  The first was an afghan.

(Please excuse the shape of it.  I used to have a dog that when he'd get nervous with thunderstorm he'd hide under it.  Then he developed the bad habit of sucking on it.  Needless to say he started to put wholes in it and I ended up putting it in storage thinking one day I'd get around to fixing it.  Trouble is the colors in my house are no longer in that color scheme and I didn't have a lot of motivation to get it fixed.)

Here is the second one. I did this one using an afghan hook and stitch.  You were suppose to embroider on top, but I was lazy and thought it would be faster just to change the colors of the thread and just crochet the colors in.  It took some experimentation but I eventually figured it out.  I was pleased with the way it did turn out. Can you guess what team my husband was a fan of at the time. 
 Blogger wont let me download the picture of it on the bed.  I have it on a queen size bed.  But here is a closer look of it where you can see I crochet in the colors.

After I mastered crocheting she moved me onto Knitting. At first I mostly did scarves.  But then I eventually moved up to other more complicated things like hats and mittens.  I have nothing from that time.  But I still to occasionally like to knit.  I've had some on going projects for years.  My children wanted to have an afghan like my husband had.  I prefer to knit.  I was so happy to find that they now make needles were you can have your knitting as long as you want it to.  I was able to knit afghans for two of them and am working on a third one for my youngest son.  I usually like to work on it when I watch TV.  I don't watch a lot of TV so these projects are taking a lot longer than I had planned on them to take.  (Because blogger is messing up with what it will include and the order of things I'll show you what blogger will let me have.)

The completed one on my son's twin size bed.

   I am from Irish descent and so was she.  She was very proud of it and made sure I was proud of it too. My grandmother made sure I knew how to knit like the Irish do.  In my day's of living up north I've made a lot of sweaters but they were always given away as gifts.  Now I don't do many because living in the south there is no need for heavy sweaters like there is up there.  I don't have any of those sweaters to show but I do have these swatches.  Before I would knit a sweater I would always make a sample piece using the patterns I had picked out. It would give me a gauge of how big it would run and how many stitches I would need to add to the needles.  (At the top is a piece that I was working on for my mother-in-law when she died.  She was only 80 lbs at the time and tinnie, tiny. I never finish that piece because I didn't know anyone else that small to give it to.  Since then I forgot what size needles I was using or the pattern.  I keep it as a reminder of my love for her.)
 Each design  represents something.  One is the tree of life - my you have a long life.  Another is a heart and that is my you love last a long time.  Another one is a symbol for money - may you have lots of it and a different one is for wisdom.  I can't remember all that these were suppose to represent.  I wish I had my grandmother here to tell me what they mean again.. 

 One of the last thing my grandmother taught me how to do was to quilt.  Quilting was her least favorite thing to do and so she was not into it very much.  But she did attempt to show me.  I guess I picked up on that but it never really stuck with me.  That was something I had to learn on my own.  And the reason being was when I was in high school she decided I needed to make a hope chest.  I started this piece of embroidery for my bed.  My family used to joke about it since I worked on it so infrequently.  They said I would never get married at the rate I was working on it.  And in a way they were right I didn't get married for the first time until I was just months shy of 30.  The piece was embroidered by then but it wasn't quilted. Later I had to take a class and join a quilting club to find out how to quilt it, but I did do it and here it is.  


 All of this was to lead up to the main purpose of this post.  I haven't been doing a lot of blogging lately simply because I've been involved with other things like the pumpkin patch ( here ) (Now I'll see what blogger is going to let me down load so I can figure out what to write about.  - I can't stand the way blogger is being so picky about which images it will let me down load.)
   One of the things I'm doing is working on another quilt.  I got this quilt kit years ago.  I was remodeling my house and saw it and thought that this would be perfect for my bed.  I bought it but then my sewing machine broke and I stopped sewing for awhile.  The sewing bug got me and I got a new machine only it was so complicated I didn't enjoy working on it.  I had to wait a couple of years later to afford a simpler one that was more to my style of sewing.  The other one I gave to a textile art major that was thrilled to get it.  Its taken me awhile to get around to it but I finally am. Here's what I've done so far.

The other hobby that I have that I love to do and takes mega amount of time is to weave.  In September/ October I usually have demonstrations to give at various places because there is usually a break in the weather. Some of the events I've gone to are Colonial Days, Red River Revel, Family days at the State museum and Pioneer days@ LSUS.  I've gotten some table top looms for these events so that I can transport them easily and they have to be set up for those demonstrations since most people don't like to see you warping the looms (besides it takes too much concentration power to do it while you are being constantly interrupted - its best to do it at home w/ relatively peace & quiet.) 
So now I'm going to see what loom images blogger will let me use.  This really is getting old and frustrating.

 This is my newest loom.  Isn't  it a beauty. Its got four harnesses. 
Look at the stuff I can do on it!! This is a modified chevron pattern.
Modified chevron pattern on a 4 harness loom

Here's a very simple basic one that gives a tabby or twill weave.

Simple one harness loom with a tabby weave

 Here's my inkle loom .  This gives you a different type of weave since the warp threads wrap around the weft.
inkle loom

 Here's my inkle again with a different project on it.  Look at how complicated it is.  Each thread has to be threaded individually.  Needless to say it takes a lot of time and patients to thread a loom.  I do it because it is such a lost art and I feel children need to see how cloths were made before modern machines could make them.
Inkle loom

And the final thing I worked on was making beaded jewelry from the material I had gotten at the gem & mineral show ( here  ). Here's just a few that I made.  Most of the time when I was making them I tried to keep someone in mind as I would make them. I would try to picture that person wearing them. This blue ended up being given to a friend of mind with blue eyes.
 Like when I was doing this one I thought of Silver Fox being in the dessert and  What she would wear.
I had Dana in mind when I made this green one. Hers is very similar but she has a brass dragon fly in the center and is longer. Its made from adventurine.  I liked it so much I kept  this one for myself. 

  Or this one - I thought of Anne Jefferson. Its tigers eye with howlite hearts.

 And this one was for Evelyn at Geolnerys.

 I had some with other people in mind like Dana and Jessica but they didn't get down loaded. 

 With the necklaces I make them to be given away at Mardi Gras time and for gifts.  I now muse upon when I can give some of these away. I'm hoping that maybe someday I'll meet up with a few of the geobloggers so that I can give them one a set of beads.  

Now you can see why I've not been blogging much and geology isn't the only thing I'm musing upon.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Is anyone having problems with Blogger?

   I went to get on this blog and decided to check my stats.  I haven't been on for a while because I've been busy with other things.  I noticed I was getting an unusual large amounts of hits (I should say large for me but small for most of you since I get so few visitors) on a degree of mine I had posted part of when I was talking about some certificates I've gotten through the years...  I went to check it out  and as I read the blog I noticed the very 1st  image was missing - the reason for the post.  I looked at the rest of the post and noticed other things were missing too and I had not removed them. I decided to go ahead and remove them since I was uncomfortable about the way things were being tampered with this post.  I thought it was a problem with just that one post and went on to catch up with some blogs I like to follow and didn't look at any other posts of mine.
    I just was able to get back on this blog again.  I started to look at things and I've realized just about every post I have, has some missing images.  This is so sickening to me- just the thought of all the time and effort I went to upload and post them. Trying to remember what what was used and should be there.  Should I go to the effort to replace them or what?  What really gets to me is that most of the images that are missing are the ones that attract people to this blog. It's like someone has deliberately blocked my most popular images. Is this a virus? Was I deliberately sabotaged or iss it due to something else. I feel so frustrated about this - Should I give up on blogging?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This Blog is now 1 year old

Today is this blogs first anniversary.
As you can see I wouldn't have many viewers if it wasn't for the Accretionary Wedge and for that I want to thank the people that thought up AW and have kept it going.   I have enjoyed participating in it. 

 Here's the most viewed items.

Feb 8, 2011, 19 comments
 1,563 Pageviews

Dec 1, 2010, 4 comments
 820 Pageviews

Mar 8, 2011, 4 comments
 204 Pageviews

Nov 7, 2010, 6 comments
 172 Pageviews

Jun 2, 2011,
 116 Pageviews

Mar 20, 2011,
  116 Pageviews

Oct 25, 2010, 1 comment
 109 Pageviews

Jun 4, 2011,
 92 Pageviews

May 13, 2011, 2 comments
 88 Pageviews

Jan 21, 201,  1
73 Pageviews

  I also need to thank Lockwood over at Outside the Interzone.  We used to be friends and I found him again through facebook back in Aug 2009.  From his facebook page I discovered his blog.  Through his blog I discovered the geoblogshpere.  Through the geoblogsphere I found the Accretionary Wedge. 
   Up until then I had never been much on the computer, I always had too many other things going on.   But once I discovered the geoblogsphere I got hooked on viewing the various blogs.  I have a tendency to stick to the blogs that are active in the Accretionary Wedge.  Over the last couple of years I feel like these blogs authors have become my friends.  I love to read about all the wonderful things they are studying/ viewing/ thinking about -- I liked being able to be connected to geology again.  Geology has always been a love of mine and I had gotten away from it for various reasons.  It was nice to find other people who like geology as much as I do.

    I also need to thank Silver Fox - she was the one who finally convinced me that I needed to have a blog.  At first I didn't think I would want to post anything but then, I started to get into it and found out I did like doing it. 
   I know I'm not the best writer. I tell my kids you have to practice if you ever want to get good at something and writing post does give me some practice. It also makes me realize how much I've not used over that last 30 years since I've been out of college. Now a days I have very little reason to write, but feel like it is an important skill to have.  This blog does help me with that.
   And I know my geology is very rusty since I've been out of the field for close to 20 years and have forgotten a lot. Its amazing how when you don't work with something a lot how quickly you do forget stuff. Yet at the same time I am amazed that I do recall some of the stuff I do.  I like being able to go back and look at that stuff again.  But that's why I thing the geoblogsphere is so great.  I can refresh my memory and get update with what others are writing about.  I like the way it lets me explore so many different areas - areas that I may not have been able to study in great detail before. 
    I think it is so marvelous the way we can share images like we now can do.  I remembered when I got into the geology there were very few photographic images.  Most of the the things were hand drawn and written about.  Sometime you think you understand what is being discussed but then when you would see it in person it would make more sense to you.  With the images that are now shared it is another step along that line of helping you understand things better.  Although I must admit, to me, nothing beats going out to the outcrop itself and seeing the material first hand. 

    I decided to do this blog because my kids wanted me to get into the 21st century and become computer literate.  I thought if I could figure out how a blog works that would be a step along that line.  Like how to import links and images.  The funny thing about computers is that I used to be really into them back when I had more time to work with them.  I had a Commodore 64 (that 64 was for 64 Kilobytes of memory) in the early 1980's.  Then in the 90's I had a PC, and then a PC 286 and a PC 486 and a finally a pentium laptop.  After a while I got tired of always having to learn how a new system worked.  I got tired having to deal with adobe reader problems and not working with other things.  I got tired of dealing with viruses and other computer glitches. I didn't have the time to relearn all this stuff and got to the point I just settled with what I had.  Unfortunately what I had didn't have internet capability and thus that is how I got so out of date.  This blog was to get me into it again and it did do that job.

  I like having a blog because it let me keep other blogs that I like to follow in one spot.  It makes it easy to check up on them because I can see when new post are out.  At first I tried to connect with email feeds but I don't like that because of all the stuff that goes there and then having to plow through it all when I just want to find out what my meetings and such are. By having that feature I can go to them when I have time to really look at them and enjoy them.
    I also like the fact that I could keep my trips and such in one spot too.  I do have some post that I have not published - like my Ohio U reunion in Athens, Oh; a trip to Fort Smith, Jackson Ms, and Toledo Oh, that I may publish or may not but its nice to have them  in one spot so if I want to post them I can .. 

    One of the main reasons I wanted to get  involved is because I wanted to connect to other people.  I wanted to meet people that liked Geology too.  I am a little disappointed I just had two followers for the year - Dan and Meg.  I want to thank you two for making that connection, I really did appreciate that.  Because my followers were so few and it was discouraging to me to see it I decided to go ahead and remove that feature from my blog. 
  The good thing is I do know there are some people that follow me regularly through the All-Geo website and will look at my stuff that way.  I should also thank the people at the All-Geo website that do pass on my post to others.
   And finally I feel like I have made a friend through Dana Hunter @ En Tequila Es Verde.  I just love the way she writes - she has so much enthusiasm about it.  I'm glad she's channeled her talents to describing geologic items.  She gives me inspiration as to how I can improve my writing.  

I know this blog isn't as popular as some of the other blogs out there.  I sometimes wonder why I bother with it.  But to me its my stuff and Dana has encouraged me to keep after it if I'm only doing it for myself.  Who knows maybe someday it may uplift or give someone some pleasure when they wanted something to take there minds off of their own troubles.  I know the geoblogsphere was there for me when I really needed it the most to help deal with my brothers death.  There were many a night I would escape into those blogs and got so much comfort from them when I was try to get over my grief of my loss.  I loved the way they got me thinking about other things that had nothing to do with my life. I'm just grateful I now have a place I can escape to when I need to get a break from things.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Joining the Banned Books Week Meme

Dana Hunter had this post at En Tequila Es Verdad.  

Banned Books Week Meme

It's that time o' the year again, that joyous and irreverent turning up our ink-stained noses at the fools who think banning books is a good idea. Time for a meme, wouldn't you say?

I got this handy list of the most frequently-challenged books 2000-2009 from the American Library Association's website. I've highlighted the ones I've read in bold. Feel free to do the same, my darlings - and do treat yourself to some delicious literary contraband this week.

1. Harry Potter (series), by J.K. Rowling
2. Alice series, by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
3. The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier
4. And Tango Makes Three, by Justin Richardson/Peter Parnell
5. Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck
6. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou
7. Scary Stories (series), by Alvin Schwartz
8. His Dark Materials (series), by Philip Pullman
9. ttyl; ttfn; l8r g8r (series), by Myracle, Lauren
10. The Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky
11. Fallen Angels, by Walter Dean Myers
12. It’s Perfectly Normal, by Robie Harris
13. Captain Underpants (series), by Dav Pilkey
14. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain
15. The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison
16. Forever, by Judy Blume
17. The Color Purple, by Alice Walker
18. Go Ask Alice, by Anonymous
19. Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger
20. King and King, by Linda de Haan
21. To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
22. Gossip Girl (series), by Cecily von Ziegesar
23. The Giver, by Lois Lowry
24. In the Night Kitchen, by Maurice Sendak
25. Killing Mr. Griffen, by Lois Duncan
26. Beloved, by Toni Morrison
27. My Brother Sam Is Dead, by James Lincoln Collier
28. Bridge To Terabithia, by Katherine Paterson

29. The Face on the Milk Carton, by Caroline B. Cooney
30. We All Fall Down, by Robert Cormier
31. What My Mother Doesn’t Know, by Sonya Sones
32. Bless Me, Ultima, by Rudolfo Anaya
33. Snow Falling on Cedars, by David Guterson
34. The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big, Round Things, by Carolyn Mackler
35. Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging, by Louise Rennison
36. Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
37. It’s So Amazing, by Robie Harris
38. Arming America, by Michael Bellasiles
39. Kaffir Boy, by Mark Mathabane
40. Life is Funny, by E.R. Frank
41. Whale Talk, by Chris Crutcher
42. The Fighting Ground, by Avi
43. Blubber, by Judy Blume
44. Athletic Shorts, by Chris Crutcher
45. Crazy Lady, by Jane Leslie Conly
46. Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut
47. The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby, by George Beard
48. Rainbow Boys, by Alex Sanchez
49. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, by Ken Kesey
50. The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini
51. Daughters of Eve, by Lois Duncan
52. The Great Gilly Hopkins, by Katherine Paterson
53. You Hear Me?, by Betsy Franco
54. The Facts Speak for Themselves, by Brock Cole
55. Summer of My German Soldier, by Bette Green
56. When Dad Killed Mom, by Julius Lester
57. Blood and Chocolate, by Annette Curtis Klause
58. Fat Kid Rules the World, by K.L. Going
59. Olive’s Ocean, by Kevin Henkes
60. Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson
61. Draw Me A Star, by Eric Carle
62. The Stupids (series), by Harry Allard
63. The Terrorist, by Caroline B. Cooney
64. Mick Harte Was Here, by Barbara Park
65. The Things They Carried, by Tim O’Brien
66. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, by Mildred Taylor
67. A Time to Kill, by John Grisham

68. Always Running, by Luis Rodriguez
69. Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury
70. Harris and Me, by Gary Paulsen
71. Junie B. Jones (series), by Barbara Park
72. Song of Solomon, by Toni Morrison

73. What’s Happening to My Body Book, by Lynda Madaras
74. The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold
75. Anastasia (series), by Lois Lowry
76. A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving
77. Crazy: A Novel, by Benjamin Lebert
78. The Joy of Gay Sex, by Dr. Charles Silverstein
79. The Upstairs Room, by Johanna Reiss
80. A Day No Pigs Would Die, by Robert Newton Peck
81. Black Boy, by Richard Wright
82. Deal With It!, by Esther Drill
83. Detour for Emmy, by Marilyn Reynolds
84. So Far From the Bamboo Grove, by Yoko Watkins
85. Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, by Chris Crutcher
86. Cut, by Patricia McCormick
87. Tiger Eyes, by Judy Blume
88. The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood
89. Friday Night Lights, by H.G. Bissenger
90. A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeline L’Engle
91. Julie of the Wolves, by Jean Craighead George

92. The Boy Who Lost His Face, by Louis Sachar
93. Bumps in the Night, by Harry Allard
94. Goosebumps (series), by R.L. Stine
95. Shade’s Children, by Garth Nix
96. Grendel, by John Gardner
97. The House of the Spirits, by Isabel Allende
98. I Saw Esau, by Iona Opte
99. Are You There, God?  It’s Me, Margaret, by Judy Blume
100. America: A Novel, by E.R. Frank

That's a pathetic showing, I admit. time to get readin'.

  I went ahead and undid hers that were in bold and then made bold the ones I've read.  What really surprised me is the fact that some of them I read simply because my children were required to read them in school.  I like to read what they are reading just so I can know if they are getting the material or answer any questions they may develop due to what they have read.  There are only one or two that I can understand being on that list.  Some of them totally baffle me why they would be on it like the Captain Underpants stuff and Julie of the Wolves.  I know some of these are award winning books, because of the social issues they bring to light.  
   My thoughts on this is: a book that gets a child reading is good, and its up to the parent to monitor what they read.  If you don't want your child reading a book then explain to them why it is objectionable to you. Its not up to the schools to make that call - to me its what parenting is all about.
  I also feel the surest way for a child to want to read something is to find out it is banned.  I know when I was younger I was always curious about the banned items and why they would be banned.  I was good at finding ways to get copies of banned books to read with my friends so we could see what was so objectionable. (I went to a catholic school and there were a lot of banned books/movies that we weren't suppose to read like J R Tolkiens 'Lord of the Rings' one of my all time favorites.) If they just would put the copy on the shelf and make no big deal about it most kids will ignore the book if you have a well stock library. There are too many other books out there to get their attention.

Now I muse upon what book I should read next to find out why someone would want to ban it.

East Texas Oil Museum, Kilgore Texas

  On Saturday, I headed over to East Texas to look at some rocks in a backyard sale.  My husband and I were done looking or I should say I couldn't carry any more rocks and had to stop looking, around 3:30.  We decided to head back home. On the way to the sale we noticed signs for the East Texas Oil Museum  in Kilgore Texas.  Years before we had taken our kids to that museum and liked it a lot. On the way back my husband suggested we visit it again.  We got there at 4:00 an hour before closing.  We missed the last viewing of the movie but was able to enjoy everything else.
Here's some of the photos I took of the place that isn't in its web page.
 The front as you drive up to it.
 The wooden oil rig that sits out front of the museum
 More pictures of the wooden rig and how it was set up.  This is suppose to be a replica of the one that discovered the East Texas oil field.
 Some of the equipment that was used during that time

 I liked seeing this drill bit.  It was the deepest fishing job and went to a depth of 31,441 feet for the tune of  $6 million dollars.  I was amazed that they would go for recovering it and not abandoning that well.  No telling how much it cost to drill that deep.

 I liked seeing this sign that showed all the different products made from petroleum.  Sometimes I have a tendency to forget all the things that are derived from oil.
 A picture of Joiner and Lloyd the discoverers of the field.
 They had a wall with different people who where honor for their work in the Oil industry.
 I liked this display of belt buckles of the different companies that were involved in the area. 
 This was interesting showing the outline of the field.
 They had a display case of other economic rocks from the area. 
 I thought this display was really clever.  They had made quilted pictures using leather showing different oil traps.  The black was the oil. I saw this display in the gift shop area and was hoping they were for sale, but they weren't.  I wouldn't mind having some of these pictures in my home and said someone could make some money making replicas of these displays. 
This was a replica of a present day working rig.  I thought it was interesting to look at these and to see how some things are still the same while others have evolved over time.

They had a replica of a museum. I felt the display explaining this was weak and could use some work, especially if you didn't take the elevator ride or see the movie- after all it was suppose to be a replica of the museum and you think museums would talk about the geology of the area.. -- It was the geology in the area that made it so famous.
There was an Elevator ride that describe the geology that you go through to get to the pay zone. I thought it was a cute idea riding the elevator deep down into the earth. (You really didn't but they just rolled the display so it looked like you were).   Basically the they talked/showed the different formations: 
Queen City
 - Wilcox is important because it has lignite in it.(swamps and near shore material)
Midway Chalk - composed  mostly of forminifera (ocean deposits)At 1800 ft
Navarro Sandstone - @2200 ft
Pecan Gap -@2800 ft
Brownstone @3100 ft
Austin Chalk @ 3400 ft which acts as the trapping mechanism.
Woodbine Sandstone @4200 ft - the pay zone
  ( they didn't talk about how old it was or what type of environment it was deposited in.  Just that it was a sandstone with a lot of space for the oil.)
Under the Woodbine is the Wichita Limestone which is probably the source rock for the oil.
They did talk about the Woodbine being pinched out and that forming the trapping mechanism, but very little about the Sabine uplift causing the pinchout.
The show was only 8 minutes long, and I know they kept it short to keep kids attention but I did feel like they could have made it maybe10 minutes long and added a bit more geologic information. It did mention that the East Texas field was a water drive field with the water pushing the oil up to the Woodbine pinchout against the Austin chalk.  The Austin chalk is a very tight formation and is mined in the south with it being a good source rock for making cement.

  The museum did a very good job of capturing the feel of what it would have been like to live in Kilgore during those early years of 1930's. I think when we saw it before, the kids liked to see how their grandparents lived.  They couldn't get over the fact there was no TV's or computers and just had radio and going out to the movies - things like that made very interesting to see. If you look at the website you can see the way the town was during that time.

After we were done at the museum we decided to drive around Kilgore.  They have a lot of interesting oil and gas things to see in the area.  I was draw by seeing all these derricks that were so close together.  Usually in the industry the closest wells can be is on 5 acre spacing and these were a lot closer than 5 acres.
 I couldn't imagine how they got so many rigs so close together.
Then we read the signs and found out that this was a replica of the richest acre in the world back when the East Texas Oil field was being developed in the early 1930's.  It was  because of wells being so close together like this that they started to regulate the spacing of wells to keep the integrity of the field going.

 I thought it made a nice little park to go and see.

Around the corner from this park was another park that kids could play at.  Called Christmas tree park.  It wasn't named for Christmas trees but the equipment that is used in drilling wells and keeping them from blowing out.

 Some other pictures of the Christmas tree park

And finally I just had to get a shot of the Texas Railroad Commission since I used to have to deal with them a lot back in my days of working in the oil industry.  I always thought it was such an unusual name for being in charge of regulating the oil industry.

Muse thought:  I wonder what it must have been like to own some acreage back in the early 1930's.  And how heartbreaking it must have been if you were on the otherside of the Woodbine pinchout.